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October 26, 1962

Telegram from Swiss Foreign Ministry to Swiss Embassy in Havana (Stadelhofer)

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

p.b.73.Cuba.o.(U’Ch.) – PO

Original to: [Handwritten:] CD [handwritten letters illegible]

Copy also to: [Handwritten:] 152, 113


Telegram no.50

26.10.1962 11h00


Embassy of Switzerland



Flash: Secret. – For Ambassador Stadelhofer.


Your 34 and 35. Yesterday, the Cuban Ambassador [José Ruiz Velasco] brought a written statement from his government concerning the US blockade measures to the Head of Department. Following, the most important parts:


“Cuban government condemns the naval and aerial blockade, it considers it a criminal act that infringes on human rights and violates the charter of the United Nations. Letting you know that people are willing to give their life to defend the sovereignty and integrity of the homeland. Paragraph. In these times, when the United States pose more than ever a threat of war to Cuba, government solemnly declares that it desires peace and is always willing to negotiate any dispute by peaceful means as long as they do not damage its sovereignty. Paragraph. All the people must know that the reckless acts decreed by the United States against Cuba and free navigation in jurisdictional waters of a country that is not in a state [of] war is a flagrant [act of] piracy and represent one of the most dangerous steps to triggering nuclear war.”


Particularly the second paragraph might be of interest to you and might possibly also offer a connection for conversation with Fidel Castro.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Copy to: - Mr. Minister Burckhardt

                        - Mr. Minister Bindschedler

A .2503


A telegram from the Swiss Foreign Ministry to the Swiss Embassy in Havana summarizing a written message from the Cuban Ambassador, Jose Ruiz Velasco, concerning the U.S. blockade of Cuba.

Document Information


Schweizerisches Bundesarchiv, 2001 (E): 1976/17, Geheim. Telegram no. 50, from Foreign Ministry to Stadelhofer, 10/26/1962. Translated from German and French by Stephanie Popp.

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Leon Levy Foundation