November 20, 1962
Note for the Division of International Organizations regarding ICRC Involvement in the Cuba Inspections
This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation
Copy for Mister Ambassador Micheli
[Stamped:] Swiss Foreign Ministry
[Handwritten:] Political Affairs [signed: Probst]
(IKRK) PO/mb
Berne, November 20, 1962
[Stamped:] [illegible] 20. Nov. 62 [illegible]
Note for the Division of International Organizations
Involvement of the ICRC
in the Cuban inspection
During our discussion, Dr. [Andre] Amstein, Chief of the federal police, mentioned the notifications the ICRC received, according to press releases, over the last weeks from numerous Swiss, who wanted to volunteer for the Cuba inspection. In Dr. Amstein’s opinion, it would be expedient if the ICRC would, in the event, forward the names of such candidates prior to appointment to the federal police for a “screening” either directly or through your division.
This thought seems correct to me. If the ICRC were in fact to send an inspection team of Swiss into Cuban waters, one would have to be sure that these would only be reliable and especially politically unobjectionable constituents.
Although the Cuba mission no longer seems an issue at the moment, I wanted to inform you just in case of this thought which you probably have considered yourself already.
The Swiss Division of International Organizations describes the process of looking for reliable and especially politically unobjectionable constituents to staff the inspection team that will be deployed to Cuba.
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