August 23, 1957
Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 23 August 1957
This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification
Nº 196 Copy Nº 1
31 August 1957
[handwritten: 010343-gs
[[11]] September [[5]]7]
Incoming 02416-s;
11/12 September 1957]
The Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A. M. PUZANOV
for the period 16 through 30 August 1957
23 August 1957
During a reception at the Romanian ambassador's on the occasion of the national holiday, Liberation Day, I had a conversation with Kim Il Sung and Nam Il.
I informed Kim Il Sung that the Embassy will receive more than 20 films in connection with the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Great October [Socialist Revolution]: revolution history, feature, and also [films] describing the development of the economy, the flowering of culture, science, and the lives of the peoples of the union republics. I was interested in Kim Il Sung's opinion, how he views organizing public viewings of them in Pyongyang and other cities of the republic and also at enterprises and agricultural cooperatives as these films are received.
Kim Il Sung reacted very approvingly and supported this suggestion.
We arranged with Kim Chang-man (Deputy Chairman of the KWP CC) to meet the next week and examine the issue of the procedure for public viewing of these films.
Nam Il reported that Kim Il Sung supports the proposal to hold talks on the conclusion of a bilateral convention about people with dual citizenship, an agreement concerning legal aid for civil and criminal matters, and a consular convention.
Nam Il asked that this be passed to the USSR MFA as the wish of the DPRK government. Nam Il then expressed a desire for the talks to be held in Pyongyang and the exchange of ratification documents to be in Moscow.
Nam Il then reported that the CC leadership is very occupied right now with the exposure of the anti-Party activity of the group of Choe Chang-ik, Pak Chang-ok, and others. However, he did not report any new facts.
I asked Nam Il whether they had informed Chinese Ambassador Qiao Xiaoguang about the measures being conducted concerning this issue.
Nam Il replied that they had not done this yet, but they are thinking of doing [it].
For my part I said cautiously that it seems to me that the faster this is done the better it will be understood by the CPC CC leadership. I added that I think that the KWP CC has no secrets from the CPC CC and, as I understand, your desire is that there be good relations with the CPC leadership and the PRC government.
Nam Il completely agreed with the opinion expressed and said that he had been thinking previously about the conversation we had held on this issue and recently he had himself taken a whole series of steps to establish close, open, and comradely relations with Chinese Ambassador Qiao Xiaoguang…
[signature] (A. PUZANOV)
Five copies printed:
1 - Cde. Gromyko
2 - Cde. Fedorenko
3 - Cde. Kurdyukov
4 - Cde. Solodovnikov
5 - to file
Nº 527
31 August 1957
Kim Il Sung tells Puzanov that he endorses organized public screenings of Socialist Revolution films. Nam Il and Kim Il Sung suggest a bilateral convention regarding dual citizenship, and Nam Il reports that the KWP CC is occupied with the investigation of anti-Party activity in the KWP leadership. Puzanov recommends that they inform the PRC Ambassador Qiao Xiaoguang about developments in this regard as soon as possible.
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