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December 1962

Ivan Budinov, Minister of Foreign Trade, Report to Todor Zhivkov, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Report on Granting a Credit to Cuba

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

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Minister of foreign trade


REF. Granting a credit to the Republic of Cuba[1]




According to the special export plan for 1963, our country is supposed to export to the Republic of Cuba special equipment at the amount of 5 million currency leva. Preliminary studies and talks held with representatives of the Revolutionary armed forces of the Republic of Cuba show that the Republic of Cuba is in demand of a number of nomenclatures of special equipment that we could provide from our current production or from supplies available in the Bulgarian National Army, a large part of which are not in use anymore. The Republic of Cuba, however, has requested that our country supply part of the special equipment on credit due to economic difficulties in the country. Such credits have been offered by the USSR and the CSSR [Czechoslovak Socialist Republic].


Taking into consideration the difficulties in Cuba, its request for import of special equipment from our country, as well as our capabilities, I believe it would be correct and reasonable to grant a credit to the Republic of Cuba at the amount of up to one-third of the total cost of the special export, which will be negotiated in 1963, with loan repayment term of five years. The credit amount will include all special equipment from the availability of the Ministry of National Defense, planned for export to the Republic of Cuba, amounting at 800 000 currency leva and the rest from new production.


In 1962, 30 000 Mauser rifles were provided through the Republic of Cuba as a grant to the revolutionary movements in Latin America. We received wholehearted gratitude and requests for future deliveries. With regard to this, I reckon that we could deliver from the supplies of the Ministry of National Defense free of charge up to 5 000 Mauser rifles, up to 10 000


Mannlicher rifles with 8 mm cartridges up to 10 million pieces, and 30 000 hand grenades type F-1, which will be delivered in support of the revolutionary movements in Latin America through the Republic of Cuba. The above-mentioned equipment is not in use in the Ministry of National Defense and currently there are no opportunities for sale.


I suggest that the Council of Ministers approve the following DECISION:


The Council of Ministers authorizes the government delegation of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria, which is to hold negotiations with the government delegation of the Republic of Cuba, with regard to the exchange of goods in 1963:


  1. To grant upon request a credit to the Republic of Cuba at the amount of up to 1 500 000 currency leva to pay for part of the special export of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Cuba in 1963 for a 5-year repayment term.


  1. To render free of charge, as support to the revolutionary movements in Latin America through the Republic of Cuba, the following equipment: up to 5 000 Mauser rifles, up to 10 000 Mannlicher rifles with 8 mm cartridges up to 10 million pieces, and up to 30 000 hand grenades type F-1.


The implementation of the decision is assigned to the Ministry of Foreign Trade.


Sofia, December 1962


MINISTER: /signed/





[1] The proposal was approved with a special top secret decision by CC BCP Politburo of 13 December 1962 signed by Todor Zhivkov and other Politburo members.


In December 1962 Minister of Foreign Trade Ivan Budinov reported to Bulgarian Prime Minister Todor Zhivkov that Bulgaria's 1963 export plan will include the sale of munitions on credit to Cuba. Budinov notes that both the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia are extending similar credits to the Cuban military. Budinov's report includes the amount of expected sales, proposed credit to extended, and a list of prospective munitions for sale. Budinov asks the Council of Ministers' to approve of the proposal.

Document Information


Bulgarian Central State Archive, Fond 1-B, Opis 64, a.e. 303, p. 2-3. Translated by Greta Keremidchieva and edited by Jordan Baev. Obtained by the Bulgarian Cold War Research Group.


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Leon Levy Foundation