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January 12, 1976

Transcript No. 100 of the Meeting of the Central Committee Bureau of the Moldavian Communist Party

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation

Transcript No. 100

of the Meeting of the Central Committee Bureau of the Moldavian Communist Party


Cde. Bodiul presided:




Members, Central Committee Bureau of the Moldavian Communist Party

Cdes. Antoseak, Grossu, Voronin, Luchinski, Merenishchev, Pascari, Steshov

Candidate Members, Central Committee Bureau of the Moldavian Communist Party

Cdes. Dâgai, Eremei, Zaichenko

Members, Central Committee of the Moldavian Communist Party

Cdes. Berezhnoi, Golubitski, Dieur, Zagadailov, Ivashchiuk, Calin, Kanikovski, Kacheanov, Lozan, Lukianov, Pleshko, Stepanov, Tiunov, Shleahtich, Iakubovski

Candidate Members, Central Committee of the Moldavian Communist Party

Cdes. Gesmegian, Paskovski, Petrash

President of the Revision Commission of the Moldavian Communist Party

Cde. Iordanov

Chiefs of Central Committee Sections of the Moldavian Communist Party

Cdes. Zavtur, Chiriac, Terehov, Shtiuca

Administrator, Central Committee of the Moldavian Communist Party

Cde. Leshchinski

First Deputy Chief of Central Committee Section of the Moldavian Communist Party

Cde. Mumji


3. CPSU CC Decision “With Regard to the Supplementary Measures in the Domain of Ideological Work in Connection with the Intensification of

Romanian Nationalist Propaganda which Harms USSR Interests


(Cdes. Merenishchev, Bodiul, Luchinski)

  1. To take a firm directive head-on and to bring to fulfillment the CPSU CC Decision St-188/2s of 15 October 1975 “With Regard to the Supplementary Measures in the Domain of Ideological Work in Connection with the Intensification of Romanian Nationalist Propaganda, which Harms the Interests of the USSR.” To approve the measures of the Moldavian Communist Party CC regarding the fulfillment of the respective decision of the CPSU CC (annexed below).



  1. The State Committee of the Moldavian SSR Council of Ministers for Radio Broadcasting and Television, [and] the editors of the republican newspapers must systematically transmit on the radio and television, as well as publishing in the press, articles and materials that unmask the efforts of the Western and Romanian information organs to misrepresent the past and present of the Moldavian people, the essence of Russo-Romanian and Soviet-Romanian relations, the most important events of contemporary international life, and the issues of CPSU domestic and foreign policy. (Annex No. 1)



  1. The Moldavian SSR Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Party History at the Moldavian Communist Party CC, the State Committee for Publishing Houses, Printing Houses and Commerce with Books of the Moldavian SSR Council of Ministers must prepare and publish a series of monographs, collections, articles and documents regarding the questions connected with the history of Moldavia and Romania, of Russo-Romanian, Soviet-Romanian and Moldo-Romanian relations (Annex No. 2).



  1. The Moldavian SSR Ministry of Public Education, the Moldavian SSR Academy of Sciences must review the content of the program, should re-edit manuals for all levels of education, of the history and geography of Moldavia, of Moldavian literature in which the questions connected with the formation and development of the Moldavian nation, of its statehood, and the role of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples in the destiny of the Moldavian people should be treated in a meaningful and convincing manner, and they should criticize the bourgeois-nationalist conceptions on these questions.


In social science courses in the institutions of higher education and in those specialty secondary education, the misrepresentations, falsifications and revisions allowed by the political figures and historians of the SRR in the problems connected with the Russo-Romanian and Soviet-Romanian relations, with the Communist movement in the Balkans, and with the decisions of the COMINTERN will be subjected to well-argued scientific criticisms.


  1. The Moldavian SSR Ministry of Culture, the creative unions of the Moldavian SSR must take measures for increasing the thematic orientation of works of literature and art that reflect from a Marxist-Leninist position the historical-revolutionary events of Moldavia, the friendship between the Moldavian people and the Russian and Ukrainian peoples and all the other peoples of the USSR, the struggle of the Moldavian people for the liberation from under the yoke of Romanian occupation.



  1. The Moldavian SSR State Cinematography, the Moldavian SSR Film-Makers Union must broadly reflect, in artistic films and documentaries, the most important historical and historical-revolutionary events in Moldavia—the Bender uprising, the fight of the marines of the Danube Fleet against the military intervention of the Romanian kingdom in Soviet Bessarabia, the fight of the Moldavian people against the Romanian-Boyar occupation, the Komsomolist illegality in Cahul, the life and activity of eminent persons P. D. Tkachenko, M. V. Frunze, I. E. Iakir, I. F. Fedko.



To create cycles of documentary films about the achievements of the Moldavian people in the economic and cultural domains in the years of Soviet power, about the contemporary transformations in the socio-economic life of the Moldavian people.


  1. The Directorate for Foreign Tourism at the Moldavian SSR Council of Ministers, the republican Council of Trade Unions of Moldavia, the UTCL CC of Moldavia, the Society for Friendship and Cultural Ties with Foreign Countries of Moldavia must:
  • Assure the growing ideological level of information and propaganda activities among the ranks of the foreign tourists, multilaterally familiarizing them with the history of the birth and formation of the Moldavian nation, with the struggle of the Moldavian people for Soviet power, with the achievements of the working people of the republic in economic and cultural development;
  • Renew the description of tourist itineraries, foreseeing in them a lively explanation, from a Marxist-Leninist standpoint, of the events connected with the revolutionary past and present of the Moldavian people, as well as of the architectural monuments of the past and of the contemporary period, offering them to all tourists and foreign guests that visit our republic;
  • Practice the systematic development of friendship evenings and of meetings of foreign tourists with well-known men of science and cultural figures, with workers in positions of authority in the state organs and community organizations;
  • Take measures to assure the effective utilization of tourism ties with Romania for propaganda about CPSU and Soviet Government policies, the achievements of the USSR and the Moldavian SSR and for the neutralization of the attempts by the Romanians to use these contacts for nationalist propaganda.



  1. The State Committee of Publishing Houses, Printing Houses and Commerce with Books of the Moldavian SSR Council of Ministers must assure the preparation and publishing, at a high politico-ideological, artistic and printing level, in the Russian, Moldavian and foreign languages, of some guides about the cities and county centers of the republic which relate about the achievements of Moldavia in the domain of the construction of cities, industry, agriculture and culture, of some prospects about the leading enterprises, the agro-industrial complexes and the cultural institutions that constitute objectives to be shown to foreigners, of some polychromatic albums which propound on the achievements of  Moldavia, of some colored illustrations about the curiosities of the republic and other informational-propagandistic literature  and publicity.


To present the proposals regarding the title and size of printing run of the informational-propagandistic editions and publicity to the sections for propaganda, information and liaison with foreign countries of the Moldavian Communist Party CC each year, around 1 September.


  1. The Institute of Party History of the Moldavian CP CC, the Moldavian SSR Academy of Sciences, the State Committee for Publishing Houses, Printing Houses and Commerce with Books of the Moldavian SSR Council of Ministers must prepare and publish in the Romanian language a series of brochures about Moldavia, placing the accent on issues subjected to falsification abroad, especially in the SRR [Socialist Republic of Romania].



  1. The Information Agency of the Moldavian SSR Council of Ministers (ATEM), the Moldavian branch of the Novosti Press Agency, must improve the preparation of materials and the presentation of the achievements of the Moldavian SSR in the economic, scientific and cultural domains during the years of Soviet power in the foreign media (the means of foreign information). To elaborate a special plan to this end, in which the propagation of Marxist-Leninist theory in the domain of Leninist national relations must occupy center stage, the unmasking of any tendencies or ideas, including the Romanian revisionist one of today.



  1. The State Committee for Publishing Houses, Printers, and Commerce with Books of the Moldavian SSR Council of Ministers, the Moldavian SSR Ministry of Telecommunications must elaborate and undertake measures for restricting the importation and dissemination in the republic of Romanian literature and periodical publications that contain nationalist, revisionist ideas and tendencies.



  1. The County Party Committee, the Moldavian Society for Friendship and Cultural Ties with Foreign Countries must increase the amount of informational material and photo-documents (photo exhibitions) sent to the Socialist Republic of Romania, especially to the bordering county with which relations of permanent friendship have been established, about the history of Moldavia, about the achievements of the Moldavian people in economic and cultural construction in the years of Soviet power, scientific and popular literature which treats the problems connected with Russo-Romanian and Soviet-Romanian relations from a Marxist-Leninist perspective.



  1. The Moldavian SSR Foreign Ministry must undertake measures regulating the invitation of Romanian citizens to Moldavia and of the departure of citizens of the republic to the SRR and for the introduction of the same limitations on circulation and temporary dwelling on the territory of the republic as are established for Soviet citizens in the SRR, on the basis of reciprocity.



  1. The Ideological Sections of the Moldavian Communist Party CC must elaborate and present for examination to the CC Bureau of the Moldavian Communist Party by 1 April 1976 the measures for the preparation of the celebration of 100 years since the liberation of Romania and Bulgaria from under the Ottoman yoke.



  1. To request the CPSU CC:
  • To resolve the problem connected with the publication in Moldavia, beginning in 1976, of a literary newspaper and of a periodical journal Questions of History and Culture of the Moldavian SSR (appearing three times a year) in the Russian and Moldavian languages;
  • To permit the opening at the Institute of Party History of the Moldavian Communist Party CC—a branch of IML [The Institute of Marxism-Leninism] of the CPSU CC of a specialized sector for studying the history of communist movements in the Balkans, the relations between communist organizations of the Balkan countries and the CPSU, COMINTERN.



  1. To take notice of the fact that the CPSU CC has charged that:
    1. The USSR Academy of Sciences, the USSR MAI [Interior Ministry], together with the Moldavian SSR Academy of Sciences, should elaborate on the issue of problematic science research science research in the domain of the history of the Moldavian SSR and Romania, as well as in that of Russo-Romanian and Soviet-Romanian relations;
    2. The corresponding sections of the CPSU CC together with the USSR MAI, together with the Moldavian SSR Academy of Sciences should coordinate the activities of the scientific, propagandistic and informational institutions and organizations of the USSR specialized in the neutralization of Romanian nationalist propaganda with the aim of avoiding erroneous interpretations or imprecisions;
    3. The USSR State Planning Committee, the Ministry of Telecommunications, the State Committee for Radio and Television Broadcasting of the USSR Council of Ministers should prepare and present, within two month’s time, to the CPSU CC proposals for the consolidation of a technical-material base of Television and Radio Broadcasting in the Moldavian SSR, taking into consideration the assurance of quality reception for the central television broadcasts, the republican television programs and the two radio programs in the entire territory of the Moldavian SSR and the increase of the capacity of the television stations in the frontier counties, having in view the creation of possibilities for the reception of television programs on Romanian territory.

    The State Radio and Television Company should adopt supplementary measures for the improvement of the content of informational materials sent to the Committee for Radio and Television, giving assistance in the organization of the works regarding the raising of the qualifications of television and radio broadcasting journalists. Preparing radio broadcasts for Romania, enriching the information about life in Moldavia, its history, the successes of the Moldavian people;

    1. The USSR Academy of Science, the USSR Ministry of Public Education for higher and specialist secondary education, taking into account the real necessities of the departments and organizations, should expand the training of Romanian specialists in history, economy, philosophy and philology and should improve their use in practical work in conformity with their respective specialty;
    2. The State Committee for Publishing Houses and APN (Novosti) should increase the publication of scientific and popular literature which treats the problems connected with Russo-Romanian and Soviet-Romanian relations from a Marxist-Leninist perspective, and take measures for the dissemination of the above-mentioned literature in foreign countries.



  1. To oblige the municipal and county party committees to take measures for the improvement of internationalist and patriotic education of the working people.



  1. To entrust the propaganda and agitation sections, and the section for Information and Relations with Foreign Countries, science and education institutions of the Moldavian Communist Party CC, with control over the execution of  the present decisions:


MCP CC Secretary, I. Bodiul (signature)


In response to a decision of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee, the Moldavian Communist Party made plans for producing new radio, television and print propaganda. Measures were also planned for preventing the smuggling of nationalistic Romanian propaganda into the Moldavian Republic.

Document Information


AOSPRM, fond. 51, inv. 39, dosar 16, filele 1-6; Document No. 15 in Elena Negru and Gheorghe Negru, “PCM şi Naţionalism (1965-1989): Documente adunate în cadrul programului de cercetări effectuate de câtre Comisia pentru studierea şi aprecierea regimului tolitar communist din Republica Moldova,” special edition, Destin românesc, vol. 16, no. 5-6 (2010), pp. 70-75. Translated for CWIHP by Larry L. Watts.


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Meeting Minutes


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Leon Levy Foundation