March 4, 1954
Letter, President Syngman Rhee to General Van Fleet
This document was made possible with support from Syngman Rhee Institute, Yonsei University
President Rhee once again suggests that the US government should increase the ROK defense forces. It will not only be cheaper to fund Korean (over American) divisions, it also means that Americans do not need to fight in Korea. Rhee then negotiates that if the US government implements the necessary military buildup aid, he too will not take any “unilateral action” for or against the future Geneva Conference until after it has been in session. Finally, Rhee advocates his disapproval of US interest to build up Japan.
Associated People & Organizations
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Associated Topics
Subjects Discussed
- Anti-communist movements
- Propaganda
- Geneva Conference (1954)
- Korea (South)--Military relations--United States
- Japan--Foreign relations--Korea (South)
- Korea (South)--Armed Forces
- Japan--Foreign relations--United States
- National security--East Asia
- Visits of state--Korea (South)
- Reconstruction (1939-1951)--Korea (South)
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