June 18, 1980
East German Record of a Meeting of Delegation Leaders at the Eleventh Interkit Meeting in Poland
This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation
Berlin, June 16, 1980
about the exchange of information between the heads of the delegations of the 11th internal China Meeting
(June 12, 1980)
Comrade Rachmanin, candidate of the central commission of the CPSU, gave a first assessment of the consultation’s development. The Soviet delegation is very content with the results of the work and the active discussion. This discussion was creative, and one could also constructively argue about a series of questions outside of the official deliberations. The CPSU will give appropriate attention to the further analysis of the characteristic traces of the current stage of Chinese domestic and foreign policy and will make an effort towards its absorption.
This depends next on:
First: On the one hand recognizing the danger of Beijing’s political course, and on the other not being hypnotized by the danger and considering the weaknesses of Beijing’s course, the situation in China;
Second: Holding to our common path vis-à-vis China in a strengthened manner and not allowing a shift away from a unified position even in shades. Cuba and the SRV require particular solidarity.
For the central committee of the CPSU, a decision is prepared in the evaluation of the internal China meeting, which envisions that
- The minutes are confirmed;
- The analytical material is taken note of;
- The materials from the deliberations are incorporated in the party apprentice year, in propaganda and in the scientific research work;
- All departments receive instructions to implement the recommendations of the deliberations.
Beyond that, there is already a Politburo resolution that materials on the Chinese question are to be presented in three months for the preparations for the XXVI CPSU party conference.
Comrade R. emphasized that one may only see the internal China meeting (Interkit) in connection with other forms of coordination of our cooperation. This means that discussion of the China question in other forms of cooperation between our brother parties must also be incorporated.
The proposals to vote on our approach in relations with China at the level of foreign ministries are also justified.
The CPSU side has oriented itself towards using all discussions with leading politicians for the presentation of the principled positions of the USSR on Beijing’s course. This is also important in light of the danger of the game with the “Chinese card”, in addition to from the standpoint of our solidarity with the SRV and other socialist states. The discussion with Giscard D’Estaing was conducted in this spirit, for example. Intense work in the same direction is likewise also envisioned with India.
The Mongolian comrades provided information about the Chinese activities with regards to the exchange of literature and related, the return of cattle, which had gotten across the Mongolian border to China.
Concerning other international events, the following information was provided:
- Preparations are ongoing in the central committee of the CPSU for this year’s Crimea meeting (possibly in connection with the Olympics)
- In the near future, an internal coordinating meeting regarding the realization of agreements of the conference of the Political Advisory Committee of the Warsaw Pact states, of the Paris meeting of the European communist parties, in addition to a vote regarding the further approach within international democratic organizations (taking into consideration the resumption of Chinese activities in these organizations and in relations with certain communist parties).
- At the plenary of the Central Committee of the CPSU on June 23 of this year, the following items are on the agenda:
- The convening of the XXVI Party Conference of the CPSU (expected on February 23, 1981)
- Foreign policy questions (speaker: Gen. Gromyko)
- DPRK: In October 1980, the VI Party Conference of the Workers’ Party of Korea will take place. There was a meeting between Comrade Brezhnev and Comrade Kim Il Sung in Belgrade (the first time at the highest level since 1966). On his return to Korea, Comrade Kim Il Sung wanted to conduct his stopover in Moscow as an official visit. The USSR side thought that such a short notice measure in this form to be inappropriate and suggested an appointment be made for the fall of this year.
- In relations with the DPRK there are as before a number of difficulties and problems. At the same time, it is essential to pursue the contradictions between the DPRK and the PRC closely, about which our Korean comrades are now more often ready to speak. These present themselves especially in connection with South Korea. Also with regards to Afghanistan the DPRK supports in fact – without declaring it officially – more the standpoint of the USSR. The Korean comrades are likewise unsatisfied with some problems in the economic relationship, in particular the increase of oil prices by China. It is evident that the DPRK was surprised by the events in South Korea. They are hurrying to present themselves vis-à-vis the USA with assuaging statements and to emphasize that the DPRK had nothing to do with the events.
- Albania
In principle there is nothing new in Albanian politics. Shehu’s position has been further strengthened – clearly because of the health situation of Enver Hoxha. This is reflected also in the weakening of the role of the Central Committee secretariat, on which the offices of the Secretaries for Organizational and Ideological Questions have been unoccupied already for a long time. The Soviet comrades suggest that available information regarding Albanian possibly be exchanged in addition to proposals and recommendations for further approaches be conveyed.
- Romania
The party active of the CPSU was informed of the special Romanian position at the latest PBA conference. At the same time, the USSR is continuing to use all channels of influence and of developing relations on all levels. In August 1980, a larger international historians’ conference will take place, for which the participation of our countries should be decided. The delegations should be reinforced through party officials and politically strong scholars.
- Yugoslavia
Currently all kinds of forces are struggling actively for Yugoslavia. On the side of closely befriended parties, the struggle depends on constantly, attentively analyzing the situation and actively seeking influence. In June, the USSR will send Comrade Baibakov to Yugoslavia; visits by Comrades Ustinov and Andropov are also envisioned. In the near future, the executive secretary of the Central Committee of the LCY, Comrade Janzic, will come to Moscow.
- At the end of June, the last internal work consultation of the central committee for preparations for the Olympics will take place.
This record of a meeting of the delegation leaders attending the 11th Interkit meeting addresses China's strategy in the area of international relations. The document expresses concern regarding Beijing's policies and calls for unity among the Communist countries. International issues discussed include Soviet-Korean relations, i.e., the Belgrade meeting between Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev and his Korean counterpart Kim Il Sung. Conditions in Albania, Romania, and Yugoslavia, and the positions of these countries within the Communist bloc, are critically assessed. Another topic is the improvement of anti-Maoist propaganda.
Associated People & Organizations
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Subjects Discussed
- Korea (North)--Foreign relations--Soviet Union
- China--Foreign policy
- China--Foreign relations--Communist countries
- China--Foreign relations--Europe, Western
- Albania--Politics and government--1944-1990
- Yugoslavia--Politics and government--1945-1980
- Korea (North)--Politics and government
- China--Foreign relations--Soviet Union
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