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September 9, 1960

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 9 September 1960

This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification


Nº 163   Copy Nº 3


19 September 1960



of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A. M. Puzanov for the period

24 August through 9 September 1960







9 September 1960


A cocktail party was held in the evening in the Bulgarian Embassy on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of Liberation day. DPRK leaders present at the reception were: Jeong Il-yong, Rim Hae, Pak Seong-cheol, and others. Ambassador Georgiy Kostov Bogdanov and Jeong Il-yong made short speeches.


I had a brief conversation with Jeong Il-yong and Pak Seong-cheol about the upcoming trip to the Soviet Union of a DPRK delegation about construction matters. Both of them expressed great satisfaction and expect that the delegation will be able to borrow the rich experience of the USSR in construction and then introduce it at DPRK construction sites. Jeong Il-yong said that Kim Il Sung had given an order to adopt and introduce the experience of industrial construction of housing in the USSR using light materials in every way. The delegation intends to leave for the USSR on a TU-104 aircraft on 13 September.


It was arranged with Deputy Minister Ri Jeong-sik that I would travel the future travel routes of Cde. N. S. Khrushchev's visit during his stay in the DPRK, beginning on Tuesday of next week.


GDR Ambassador Kurt Schneidewind provided information that on 20 September the GDR government will make a new action about West Berlin, to request that for citizens of West Berlin documents be required from city authorities of West Berlin and passports issued by the FRG not be recognized when visas are issued for entry to the socialist countries. This would again stress that West Berlin is to part of the FRG.


SOVIET AMBASSADOR IN THE DPRK [signature] (A. Puzanov)


Five copies printed

1 - Cde. A. A. Gromyko

2 - Cde. Yu. V. Andropov

3 - Cde. V. I. Tugarinov


5 - to file

Nº 448, re

[date off the page]




Puzanov and Jeong Il-yong discuss the Soviet construction advisory committee's visit to the DPRK. GDR Ambassador Kurt Schneidewind informs them of the new entry process for West Berlin citizens traveling to socialist countries.

Document Information


AVPRF fond 0102, opis 16, delo 7, p.72-101. Translated for NKIDP by Gary Goldberg.


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ROK Ministry of Unification