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March 21, 1960

Cable from the Chinese People's Committee to Defend World Peace and Combat U.S. Aggression and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation



Sent to: India

Approved by: Liao Chengzhi, Han Nianlong

Level: Urgent, advance

Response No.

Dispatch No. 1108


Copied  to: […]




[To the] [Chinese] Embassy in India:


It has been decided domestically that Cormades Burhan Shahidi [Bao Erhan] and Yao Nian (using the titles of Deputy Secretary of the Chinese Committee for Afro-Asian Solidarity) and translators [illegible] Rongfang (Party member, female) and Zheng Wanzhen ([Communist Youth] League member) will attend the Indian Peace and Disarmament Conference. This has been cabled to Cha-man La-er [sic]. Please transmit this again, and request his assistance with processing visas and monitor his response. They will leave on the 23rd or the 24th, and are preparing to pay a few visits [upon individuals] in addition to attending the Conference. Burhan and Zheng will go from India to Moscow and onto to Guinea to attend the Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Assembly. Please reserve two tickets on flight 104 to Moscow on 2 April [1960].


Chinese People's Committee to Defend World Peace and Combat U.S. Aggression

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

31 March 1960  


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces the Chinese delegates for the Indian Peace and Disarmament Conference and the Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Assembly.

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PRC FMA 105-00993-01, 3.


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MacArthur Foundation