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November 22, 1979

Cable, South Korean Ambassador in the UK to South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs

This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification

Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Registration Number: 79-703

Original Copy


Number: UKW-11105

Date and Time: 221630

Type: __________


To: Minister

CC (copy): ___________


From: Ambassador to the United Kingdom

November 24, 1979, 8-00

Title: __________


Today, on November 22, I have met and discussed with MP Julian Ridsdale ([a member of the] Conservative Party), who returned to the United Kingdom last week after visiting Japan and PRC. I report the following matters of interest from the contents of the discussion.


1. After visiting Japan, MP Ridsdale (Chairman of the British-Japanese Parliamentary Group) and five other MPs have stayed in Beijing for five days last week, mainly exchanging opinions with the former PRC Ambassador to the United Kingdom (current Vice Foreign Minister) and the aide to the Premier, “Piwu” (who majored in economics at Harvard).


2. While MP Ridsdale pointed out how, after visiting South Korea in June last year, he went to the United States ([as a] Member of the Trilateral Commission) and emphasized to President Carter [his] stance opposing the withdrawal of USFK, “Piwu” mentioned that PRC hopes for a unified Korea. Again, MP Ridsdale commented that it is necessary to deal with the threats from the Soviet Union from strength, and in this respect, it is essential for the U.S. troops to be stationed in South Korea as well. In response, “Piwu” emphasized that the abovementioned concept of a unified Korea is seen from a long-term perspective, and that in contrast to how the Soviet Union is persuading the North Korean puppet regime’s invasion of the South, PRC is restraining North Korea.


3. [He] noticed that high-ranking PRC officials seemed to have confidence in PRC’s future, and have quite pro-western attitudes.


4. [He] got the impression that PRC people seen on the streets seemed cheerful and were not subject to restraints. 


Details from a conversation between the South Korean ambassador to the United Kingdom with Julian Ridsdale, Member of Parliament, on US troops stationed in Korea, the Soviet Union and China's viewpoints on Korea's reunification, and other matters.

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South Korean Foreign Ministry Archive.


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ROK Ministry of Unification