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March 29, 1961

Memorandum of Conversation: Premier Zhou Enlai Receives Soviet Ambassador to China Stepan Chervonenko

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

Time: 1961.3.29, 7:40 p.m.


[Stepan] Chervonenko: In accordance with the Soviet Communist Party’s request [for me to do this task], please allow me to use this opportunity to inform you of the following, and please relay it to the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee:


The Soviet Communist Party Central Committee received a written invitation from the Indian Communist Party to send a Soviet Communist delegation to their Sixth Congress, which will be held from 6-17 April this year [1961].  We assumed that other fraternal parties would receive a similar invitation.  The Party Central Committee has already accepted the invitation, and has organized a Soviet Communist Party delegation, to be led by Comrade [Mikhail] Suslov.


Premier Zhou [Enlai]: Thank you for giving notice. We already know about the matter


Chervonenko: Has it already been confirmed who will participate from China?


Premier Zhou: We haven’t yet discussed this question.  After it is confirmed, we will inform you.


Ambassador Chervoenko and Zhou Enlai have a brief conversation about the Indian Communist Party's 6th Congress.

Document Information


PRC FMA 109-02242-15. Obtained by Sulmaan Khan and translated by Anna Beth Keim.


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MacArthur Foundation