February 1949
List of Products Brought Back
This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation
List of products brought back
1. 4 bottles (2 liters) of soy sauce.
2. 3 baskets of soy spices for Chinese dishes, each 1.5 kg
3. 1 basket of soy spices, 3 kg. [Written to the right of items 2 and 3: “when tested, the mouse died”—ed.]
4. One basket of soy cheese (polluted) paratyphus bacillus found
5. 2 packs of tea
6. 2 packs of a sweet made from the chestnut, each 40 grams
7. 1 pack – shelled chestnut
8. 1 bottle of soy sauce
Anastas Mikoyan's list of products he brought back to the Soviet Union following his trip to Xibaipo, China, in January-February 1949.
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