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July 7, 1942

Letter to the Soviet Ambassador in Chongqing

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

7 July 1942  Top Secret




Immediately request to be received by Chiang Kai-shek [Jiang Jieshi] and make the following statement to him at the instruction of the Soviet government and Cde. Stalin personally:


"The Soviet Government considers it necessary to inform you that the position recently taken by Mr. Sheng Shicai, the Governor and the Zhuxi [Chairman] of Xinjiang Province, is causing substantial doubts in the Soviet Government. Some time ago Mr. Governor advanced serious and completely unfounded accusations against Soviet representatives in Xinjiang of activity hostile to the Xinjiang government. In connection with this the Soviet Government charged Mr. Molotov with addressing an appropriate letter to Mr. Governor explaining the attitude of the Soviet Government toward the behavior of Mr. Governor and warning him of the disastrous consequences which might unavoidably arise as a result of his mistakes.


In order for you to be completely clear of the state of affairs the Soviet Government considers it necessary to familiarize you with the text of that letter which was sent to Xinjiang for delivery to Mr. Sheng Shicai.


As is clear from the letter, the mistakes of Mr. Governor concerning the very important political questions of his attitudes toward the Central Government of China and the Soviet Government are deliberate and demonstrate that possibly Mr. Governor is under the influence of some secret agents of the enemies of China and the Soviet Union. One might suppose that Mr. Governor would understand the entire seriousness of the mistakes he has made and draw all the necessary conclusions for himself".


Having made this verbal statement, present Chiang Kai-shek with the following written text, which is a copy of the letter sent to the Governor on 3 July 1942. x)



30.XI.71 [SIC]


x) see the text of the 3 July 1942 [note] in the file



At the instruction of the Soviet government and Cde. Stalin personally, the Soviet ambassador to China is instructed to inform Chiang Kai-shek of the worrying views expressed by Shicai Sheng in his recent letter to Stalin, Voroshilov, and Molotov and present him with the text of Molotov's reply.


Document Information


RGASPI, f. 558, op. 11, d. 323, l. 58. Obtained by Jamil Hasanli and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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MacArthur Foundation