December 9, 1980
Record for the Vice Minister Comrade Dr. Házi Vencel about the consultations with Comrade O Man-seok, the Head of Department of the DPRK’s Foreign Affairs Ministry
This document was made possible with support from Kyungnam University
Regional Division IV
Szabó Ferenc
Top Secret!
Produced in 2 copies for:
- Comrade Házi
- Own use
Subject: Record for the Vice Minister Comrade Dr. Házi Vencel about the consultations with Comrade O Man-seok, the Head of Department of the DPRK’s Foreign Affairs Ministry
Comrade O Man-seok briefed me on their internal policies, their activities to move forward the cause of unifying their Nation, and our bilateral relations.
He did not say anything essentially new about their internal policies, but just repeated the main points of the assessment of the KWP’s 6th Congress. It was conspicuous that he lengthily detailed Kim Jong Il’s (Kim Il Sung’s son) abilities and virtues as a leader, as if motivating his consideration as the successor.
Speaking of the issue of unifying the Nation, he detailed Chun Doo-hwan’s rise to power, and the importance and size of this year’s spring demonstrations. They concluded from the aforementioned that Chun Doo-hwan further increased the fascist nature of the system, and his rise to power was due to the Americans. At the same time he emphasized that the fight of the democratic forces of South Korea is intensifying, and thus Chun will not be able to escape the fate of his predecessor.
He gave the well-known statements regarding the proposed Democratic Confederate Republic of Goryeo and the ten-point suggestion of Kim Il Sung proposed during the KWP’s 6th Congress, and repeated his request that their ambassador had already made to Comrade Házi. Specifically:
- Officially support their initiative;
- Condemn the plans to create two Koreas, and give voice to this as well;
- Unveil the American plans towards South Korea via our mass communication broadcast services directed abroad, and broadcast a request for the support of the Korean people and let the listeners know about the steps that the DPRK had already taken to unify the Nation.
Speaking of our bilateral relations, he expressed his gratitude for supporting their cause in the past and currently as well. He emphasized that in the current tense situation that was created by the imperialism, there is an even greater need for the unity and collaboration of the socialist countries.
He placed his trust in increasing the frequency of our exchange in delegates, and they are hoping that we could have a high-ranking delegate exchange next year. Namely they are expecting the realization of the earlier invitations of Comrades Czinege, Horvtáh, and Nagy Richárd.
He invited Comrade Szabó Ferenc for an official visit next year too, so that we could discuss how to make our bilateral relations more fruitful in the framework of another personal visit.
He also placed his trust in further developing our economic cooperation as well.
He did not speak of any international issues.
1980 December 9
O Man-seok's brief of DPRK internal policies activities to move forward the cause of unifying Korea.
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