April 26, 1966
Extracts from the Reply of Ambassador Sette Camara
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
Extracts from the reply of Ambassador Sette Camara – April 26, 1966
“Now, by way of clarification of the Brazilian position in relation to the subject with which we are dealing, permit me to mention the speeches delivered in the Disarmament Conference in Geneva* by the Representatives of India and the United Arab Republic on the 21st of the present month. Both Representatives, commenting on the speech of the Delegate of the United States, strongly criticized disarmament in the regional terms, as something that is more an index of the return of the great powers to the system of the Balance of Power as practiced before the Second World War. The Representative of India in the Geneva Conference, Ambassador Trivedi, in the interview granted to Reuters and alter published in the newspaper Le Monde of 20th April of this year, attached great importance to the position of Brazil in respect of the necessity of formal guarantees on the part of the nuclear powers for the effectiveness of any Treaty aimed at the establishment of denuclearized geographic zones.”
*Referring to negotiations of the Eighteen Nation Committee on Disarmament (ENCD) created by the United Nations General Assembly as a predecessor to the Conference on Disarmament (CD).
India and the United Arab Republic criticized disarmament in the regional terms.
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