February 20, 1969
Telegram from the Indian Embassy in Peru on 'Indo-Peruvian Cultural Institute
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
DATE: Feb 20th, 1969
FROM: Embassy of Peru
TO: Americas Division, MEA
The Peruvian Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, Americas Division, and has the honour to inform them that, on the 20th December, 1968, the Indo-Peruvian Cultural Institute was formed in the city of Lima…
This Institute was supposed to be installed during the visit to Peru of Her Excellency Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, but for unforeseen circumstances, the Prime Minister only made a short stop-over at the Lima International Airport, on October 8, 1968. During that time Mrs. Anita Fernandini de Naranjo, accompanied by some members of the Organizing Committee, requested the Prime Minister to attend the especial ceremony at the Presidential Room of the Airport, that Her Excellency kindly accepted, and Mrs. Fernandini de Naranjo proclaimed the Prime Minister Honorary President of the Institute, and presented her with an artistic gold-collar with Indian and Peruvian motives. Mrs. Gandhi accepted this title and expressed her cordial desires of the success of the Institute…
Discusses the establishment of the Indo-Peruvian Cultural Institute
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