This document outlines the correct workflow for creating and distributing various documents on military technical cooperation with foreign countries.
August 1987
CPSU Central Committee Request, 'On the Order of Preparation of Documents on Questions of Military Technical Cooperation with Foreign Countries'
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
CPSU Central Committee
On the order of preparation of documents on questions of military technical cooperation with foreign countries
In implementation of the CPSU Central Committee Resolution from July 30, 1987 “On measures to improve military technical cooperation with foreign countries” it is proposed to establish the following order of preparation of documents on these questions for their submission to the CPSU Central Committee:
1.Draft CPSU Central Committee Resolutions prepared in accordance with existing practice by Ministries and agencies and CPSU Central Committee reports signed by directors of represented Ministries and agencies are sent for signature to the Chairperson of the State Commission of the USSR Council of Ministers on Military-Industrial Questions (without additional accompanying documents).
2.Technical consideration of the matter and preparation, if necessary, of informational materials is conducted by the State Commission of the USSR Council of Ministers on military-industrial questions. In complicated cases a working consideration of materials is conducted in corresponding departments of the CPSU Central Committee.
At the conclusion of the review of the draft CPSU Central Committee resolution the State Commission of the USSR Council of Ministers on Military-Industrial Questions (along with relevant Ministries and agencies) submits it to the CPSU Central Committee.
3.Depending on the contents of the matter, the submitted draft CPSU Central Committee resolution and other attached materials are sent to the CPSU Central Committee Department of Defense Industry, the CPSU Central Department of Defense Agencies, or the CPSU Central Committee Economic Department, which conduct a review of the materials and approve them in their order with the International Department of the CPSU Central Committee or the CPSU Central Committee Department.
Upon approval of the document presented the department leadership stamps the draft CPSU Central Committee resolution (without completion of additional documents).
4.The CPSU Central Committee Secretary considers the draft CPSU Central Committee and reviews the questions raised in it, and if he or she approves it sends the document on to be formally written.
We request approval.
L. Zaykov A. Luk'yanov Yu. Maslyukov
___ [the day is blank] August, 1987
The CPSU Central Committee proposes a workflow for creating composing and approving documents on military technical cooperation with foreign countries.
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