December 19, 1992
Directive of the President of Ukraine, 'On Measures to Ensure the Implementation of the Nuclear Policy of Ukraine and Elimination of Nuclear Weapons Located on its Territory'
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
Not for publication
Directive of the
President of Ukraine
On measures to ensure the implementation of the nuclear policy of Ukraine and elimination of nuclear weapons located on its territory
In order to protect national interests, implement the nuclear policy of Ukraine and eliminate nuclear weapons located on its territory
1. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to:
clarify and approve the Comprehensive Program of Elimination of Missile-Nuclear Weapons within two weeks, and by February 1, 1993 the air-based nuclear weapons;
set up the Interagency Commission on Elimination of Nuclear Missile and Nuclear Aerial Weapons, located on the territory of Ukraine, reporting to the National Security Council of the President of Ukraine, in order to ensure interagency coordination of work aimed at the process of elimination of nuclear weapons located in Ukraine;
ensure financial and material-technical support for the creation by the State Nuclear Oversight of Ukraine [Dezhatomnagliad] of a national system of accounting and control for the nuclear materials and their physical protection.
2. The Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, Ministry of Energy and Electrification of Ukraine, Ministry of Machine-Building, Military-Industrial Complex, and Conversion of Ukraine, State Committee of Ukraine on the Use of Nuclear Energy, State Committee of Ukraine on Nuclear and Radioactive Security within a month to conduct technical and economic evaluation of alternative ways of dismantling nuclear warheads, recycling, conservation of plutonium and uranium for use as fuel for civilian nuclear energy in Ukraine, as well as justification of types and methods of utilizing heptyl and amyl.[1]
3. The governmental commission, created by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to conduct negotiations on the elimination of nuclear warheads, to propose to relevant state institutions of the Russian Federation and commence talks on these issues.
4. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine to begin negotiations with the Joint Command of the Strategic Nuclear Forces of the CIS and Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on issues of technical operation of missile-nuclear and nuclear aerial weapons located on the territory of Ukraine and the maintenance of their physical safety.
5. The Delegation of Ukraine to the negotiations with the Russian Federation on the settlement of a host of issues regarding nuclear safety, the status and elimination of strategic offensive weapons, located on the territory of Ukraine, to be guided by the directives attached /top secret/.
6. The Ministry of Machine-Building, Military-Industrial Complex, and Conversion of Ukraine, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine to prepare, within the scope of relevant directives, draft agreements with the Russian Federation regarding the regular servicing and manufacturer warranty of the strategic nuclear weapons located on the territory of Ukraine, dismantlement and recycling of missile and aerial complexes and the order of mutual payments.
7. The Ministry of Machine-Building, Military-Industrial Complex, and Conversion of Ukraine to undertake necessary measures regarding technical safety of the operation of missile complexes of the 43rd Missile Army.
8. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to continue negotiations with relevant Western countries on obtaining international guarantees of the national security of Ukraine both during the process of acquiring the non-nuclear status, and thereafter, and the provision of a comprehensive financial and economic, and technical support for the implementation of the nuclear disarmament program. The Ministry is to propose an initiative of creating a dedicated international fund for nuclear disarmament. For this purpose, the Ministry is to conduct negotiations with the United States, UK, France, China, Federal Republic of Germany, Canada, and Japan.
9. The Ministry of Machine-Building, Military-Industrial Complex, and Conversion of Ukraine, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to submit to the President of Ukraine by January 15, 1993, proposals with relevant substantiation regarding the preservation and use of scientific and manufacturing personnel, facilities, and technologies for the development and production of missile technology.
10. The Ministry of Machine-Building, Military-Industrial Complex, and Conversion of Ukraine, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine jointly with the staff of the National Security Council of the President of Ukraine, interested ministries, and other agencies of the central executive authorities of Ukraine to prepare in a month’s time proposals for subordination of the Kharkiv Physical-Technical Institute and submit them to the President of Ukraine.
11. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Ministry of Machine-Building, Military-Industrial Complex, and Conversion of Ukraine, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to prepare by March 30, 1993, proposals on the use of the underground missile launch facilities of the 43rd ICBM Missile Army in the national economy after the completion of the missile elimination in accordance with the Agreement between the USSR and USA on the Reduction and Limitation of the Strategic Offensive Arms.
President of Ukraine
L. Kravchuk
December 19, 1992
No. 202/92-rp
[1] Liquid missile fuel from SS-19 ICBMs [ed.]
The directive discusses the procedures through which Ukraine will implement its nuclear policy and eliminate nuclear weapons within its boarders.
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