Eastern Europe
(372) documents
1893- 1976
1879- 1953
1898- 1976
1906- 1978
East Asia
North America
October 8, 1950
Mao informs Stalin that the Chinese volunteers could cross into Korea by October 15.
October 7, 1950
Ambassador Roshchin passes a message from Mao to Stalin regarding the Chinese deployment of troops to Korea.
October 12, 1950
Mao acknowledges a telegram from Stalin.
July 5, 1950
Stalin informs Mao Zedong that Chinese armed forces should be stationed on the border with North Korea as a precaution against enemy forces crossing the 38th parallel.
July 22, 1950
Mao Zedong informs Stalin of China's military and strategic maneuvers in summer 1950 as a result of the Korean War.