Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Middle East
South Asia
Eastern Africa
November 15, 1978
The Soviets condemn subversive activity against the PDPA, the primary Afghan and pro-Soviet political party. Such actions, according to the Soviet leadership, cause significant instability and political unrest in the region.
July 4, 1980
Memorandum from R. Ulianovskii on Kianuri's request to the CPSU Central Committee to send 3 PPI members to the USSR for training in "conspiratorial work."
May 30, 1980
R. Ulianovskii requests payment for the travel of 10 PPI members to the USSR for "Party business."
November 1, 1980
A CC CPSU decree granting technical assistence to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan in order to build a radio wave boradcasting station.
May 11, 1978
The conversation focused on the negotiations between Ethiopia and the Eritrean Liberation Movement. The talks were focusing on how the Eritreans could obtain a certain degree of regional autonomy