Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Southeast Asia
North America
August 29, 1968
Lengthy briefing for the Central Committee on the status of North Vietnamese diplomatic efforts during the first eight months of 1968 and future plans.
January 23, 1967
North Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Duy Trinh discusses American military strategy in Vietnam as well as the US's internal political situation. He then outlines the rational for the Vietnamese "Talk-Fight" strategy.
March 27, 1965
Resolution by the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee on the Vietnam War and the related "diplomatic struggle."
December 1965
Resolution by the Communist Party of Vietnam proposing to make "every possible effort to win international sympathy, support, and assistance."
October 13, 1973
Resolution of the 21st Plenum of the Party Central Committee detailing the tasks of strengthening socialism and national defense in North Vietnam while continuing the South Vietnam revolution, ensuring strict enforcement of the Paris Agreement.