Eastern Europe
(372) documents
The Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, 2016.
Photograph by kishjar? (Flickr: kishjar), April 17, 2016, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0), https://flickr.com/photos/kishjar/25900190383
1879- 1953
1926- 2016
1890- 1986
1920- 2010
1893- 1976
East Asia
North America
Central America and Caribbean
January 20, 1980
Jimmy Carter explains his call for a boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics in reponse to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
June 5, 1944
Milovan Djilas meets Stalin at his Dacha to discuss current affairs.
May 19, 1944
Milovan Djilas relates his first meeting with Stalin and the discussion about the Yugoslav military and other general conversation.
Milovan Djilas meets with Stalin and other Soviet officials for dinner to discuss relations with the West, D-day, and communism.
October 9, 1950
Kim Il Sung requests that Koreans living in the Soviet Union be trained there for service in the Korean Army, explaining that the strong presence of the American military in Korea will not allow for on-site training. Shytkov attached his support of Kim’s request in this telegram to Stalin.