Eastern Europe
(372) documents
North America
Middle East
Western Europe
East Asia
1909- 1994
June 6, 1980
The memorandum describes Ambassador Smith's stance on US policy permitting the use of plutonium for demonstration programs.
June 5, 1980
The memorandum forwarded by Billings describes Bernhard argues against a PRC meeting and conveys Senator Glenn's belief that it is unnecessary to modify President's 1977 policy.
June 4, 1980
The memorandum elaborates background materials compiled by Smith, Pickering, Holbroke and Lake for a meeting with Secretary Muskie.
The memorandum describing Gus Speth's recommendation to Secretary Muskie to abide by President Carter's 1977 policy.
June 3, 1980
The memorandum describes a discussion of State Department officials on President Carter's nuclear nonproliferation policy.
May 29, 1980
The memorandum describes Oplinger's criticism of Smith's proposal.
May 27, 1980
The note contradicts a view of Smith and argues that abandoning President Carter's 1977 policy is a mistake.
May 23, 1980
Smith sent new Secretary of State a distilled version of his policy proposals.
The memorandum describing Leon Billings opining that it is premature to make a decision on Smith's proposal and recommending the Secretary convening an interagency group to develop an analysis of the pros and cons of changing the President's non-proliferation policy.
May 21, 1980
Short version of the Presidential Decision Paper for policymakers.