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May 16, 1968

Telegram from the Consul of the US in Sao Paulo to the Department of State, 'Brazilian Centrifuge Program'

Information about the classified Brazilian centrifuge program.

March 23, 1968

Airgram from the Embassy of the US in Rio De Janeiro to the Department of State, 'Assessment of Brazilian Nuclear Device Capability'

The US Embassy in Rio De Janeiro sends airgram to the Department of State with a technical and political assessment of Brazil's nuclear capacity.

March 28, 1964

Airgram from the Embassy of the US in Rio De Janeiro to the Department of State, 'Non-Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy by Brazil'

The US Embassy in Rio De Janeiro sends airgram to the Department of State regarding military pressure in Brazil to produce fissionable material for nonpeaceful purposes.

May 29, 1940

The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Thurston) to the Secretary of State

The Soviet Union threatens intervention in Lithuania due to the alleged "disappearance of men from Soviet military garrison established in Lithuania."

February 17, 1940

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary of State

Ambassador Steinhardt on rumors that the Soviet Union is planning to take control of Latvia and Estonia.

June 25, 1941

Statement by the Latvian Minister (Bilmanis)

Statement by the Latvian Ambassador to the United States on the Soviet occupation of Latvia.

February 6, 1948

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Armour)

Three representatives of displaced persons of the Baltic States bring a petition for President Truman.

March 30, 1948

Message, Willems to Chamberlin, Ennis

A memorandum from the US Army's Intelligence Division, detailing the Army’s contingency plan in the event of a communist takeover in Italy's 1948 parliamentary elections.

March 13, 1948

Message, Chamberlin to Headquarters, European Command

Director of the US Army’s Intelligence Division at the Pentagon, Lieutenant General Stephen J. Chamberlin, instructed American military attachés from eight European capitals to meet with one of his subordinates, Colonel Riley F. Ennis, for a conference in Frankfurt am Main in Germany on March 24 to discuss intelligence matters pertaining to Soviet activities in Germany.

July 23, 1940

Welles Declaration, Department of State Press Release, 'Statement by the Acting Secretary of State, the Honorable Sumner Welles'

Later referred to as the "Welles Declaration," this statement by acting Secretary of State Sumner Welles condemned the 1940 Soviet occupation of the Baltic states and set United States policy of refusing to recognize the new Soviet governments of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
