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November 9, 1956

Department of State, Incoming Telegram No. 1129

US Ambassador to Moscow Charles Bohlen reports that he is sending a personal note to Foreign Affairs Minister Gromyko.

November 8, 1956

Department of State, Outgoing Telegram to Moscow Embassy

The State Department requests that the embassy find out the status of an American citizen who works for Radio Free Europe who was detained in Hungary by Soviet military authorities.

December 4, 1973

Memorandum of Conversation between Nicolae Ceausescu and President Nixon

Ceasescu, Nixon and Kissinger discuss issues ranging from European security to the situation in the Middle East.

July 15, 1949

Memorandum from Mr. Fisher for Mr. Butterworth, 'Chiang-Quirino Proposal for Pacific Union'

July 21, 1949

Office Memorandum from Mr. Butterworth to Ambassador Jessup

July 15, 1949

Memorandum to Mr. Claxton, 'Pacific Pact'

August 15, 1949

Memorandum from Mr. Claxton for Mr. Butterworth

July 20, 1949

Memorandum from Philip C. Jessup, 'Chiang-Quirino Proposal for a Pacific Union'

Philip Jessup writes to Walton Butterworth regarding the meeting between Chiang Kai-shek and Elpidio Quirino, as well as an idea by George Kennan to establish a regional university in Asia.

September 28, 1972

Telegram 10353 from the American Embassy in Tokyo, 'Mao-Tanaka Meeting'

Mao had a conversation with Tanaka, carrying numerous stories from food to his childhood.

August 14, 1967

Intelligence Note 669 from Thomas L. Hughes to the Secretary, 'Tests of Soviet Fractional Orbital Bombardment System (FOBS)'

Soviet tests of a fractional orbital bombardment system (FOBS) attracted the interest of the US intelligence community because of the unique challenges it posed to defenses. At that point, August 1967, the US had no means to detect a FOBs attack but INR noted that a satellite detection system would be operational during 1970. This was a reference to the secret Defense Support Program (DSP), which would use infrared technology to detect missile launches and reduce any surprise advantage from the FOBs. The Soviets recognized this and later retired their twenty or so ICBMs with FOBs capabilities in 1983.
