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March 3, 1961

Memorandum by Secretary Rusk to President Kennedy, 'Israeli Reactor'

Rusk summarizes a meeting between Assistant Secretary Lewis Jones and Teddy Kollek for the president.

February 26, 1961

Department of State Memorandum of Conversation, 'U.S.-Israeli Relations - The Dimona Reactor'

Assistant Secretary G. Lewish Jones reports on a conversation with Teddy Kollek about arranging a US visit to Dimona.

February 20, 1961

US Mission to the United Nations (New York) Telegram No. 2242 to Department of State, 'Eyes Only' from Reid to Secretary

Departing Ambassador informs President Kennedy that an American inspection of the Dimona nuclear facility can be arranged.

February 16, 1961

Department of State Memorandum of Conversation, 'Israel’s Security and Other Problems'

US National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy meets with Ambassador Harman to discuss the Israeli nuclear facility at Dimona.

February 13, 1961

Department of State Memorandum of Conversation, 'Inspection of Israel’s New Atomic Reactor'

Secretary of State Rusk meets with Ambassador Harman to raise the desirability of a US visit to Dimona, noting that Israeli "candor" was important to the state of the US-Israeli relationship.

February 3, 1961

Department of State Memorandum of Conversation, 'Israeli Reactor'

Assistant Secretary of State G. Lewis Jones meets with Israeli Ambassador Harman, to discuss the Dimona reactor Harman explained that the Israeli government was preoccupied with an ongoing domestic political crisis.

February 2, 1961

Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs to Secretary of State, 'President’s Suggestion re: Israeli Reactor'

Concerned about a recent visit to Cairo by Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Semenov and the possibility that the Soviets might exploit Egyptian concerns over Dimona, President Kennedy pressed State to arrange an inspection visit at Dimona by a US scientist.

January 31, 1961

Department of State Memorandum of Conversation, 'Ambassador Reid's Review of His Conversation with President Kennedy'

Days after his inauguration, President Kennedy met with Ogden Reid, who had just resigned as US ambassador to Israel, for a comprehensive briefing on US-Israel relations, including the problem of the Dimona nuclear reactor.

January 30, 1961

Secretary of State Rusk to President Kennedy, 'Your Appointment with Ogden R. Reid, Recently Ambassador to Israel'

Memorandum and briefing materials for President Kennedy on the discovery of the Israel Dimona nuclear reactor. Given in preparation for a meeting with Ogden Reid, who had just resigned as US ambassador to Israel.

November 26, 1943

The Cairo Declaration

Roosevelt, Churchhill, and Chiang Kai-shek declare that they are "fighting this war to restraint and punish the aggression of Japan."
