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May 11, 1966

Cable 1250 from the Department of State to the US Embassies in Argentina and Israel, 'Israeli Purchase of Argentine Uranium'

The Department of State was unable to locate the Argentine uranium sold to Israel and was disturbed by the fact that the amount exceeded Israel's needs for peaceful use.

April 10, 1966

Airgram 763 from the US Embassy in Argentina to the Department of State, 'Israeli Purchase of Argentine Uranium'

Although AEC representative Lester Rogers reported that the Embassy had no new information, this airgram includes tables on Argentina's annual production of uranium from 1958-1965 and the production capacities of two uranium processing plants.

October 22, 1965

Airgram A-350 from the US Embassy in Israel to the Department of State, 'Argentine Uranium'

The Embassy reported that it had no information on Israeli uranium imports, and the only way to obtain that information would be a high-level inquiry to the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

August 24, 1965

Airgram CA-2198 from the Department of State to US Embassies in Argentina on the Israeli Purchase of Argentine Uranium

Owing to discrepancies in available data, the Department of State requested information on the amount of uranium shipped to Israel, any new agreements between Argentina and Israel, any safeguards put into place, and the current status of Argentina's uranium processing plants.

August 21, 1965

Airgram A-160 from the US Embassy in Argentina to the Department of State, 'EXCON: Argentine Exports of Uranium Oxide'

A request by an Argentine Congressman gave the yellow cake sale to Israel a public airing.

June 3, 1965

Cable 7659 from the Department of State to the US Embassy in the United Kingdom

In a conversation with one or two State Department officials, a British Embassy officer notes that reports available to both governments estimate Israel's purchases of uranium to add up to 190 tons and proposed a joint US-British approach to Argentina on safeguards.

April 27, 1965

Airgram A-163 from the Department of State to the US Embassy in Argentina on the Argentine Sale of Uranium Oxide to Israel

In response to a request for further instructions, the Dept. of State informed the Embassy that Washington was looking to establish a common policy on the mandatory application of IAEA safeguards. Until they were closer to agreement, the Embassy should request that the Argentine government apply safeguards to future deals.

February 3, 1965

Airgram A-691 from the US Embassy in Argentina to the Department of State, 'Argentine Sale of Uranium Oxide to Israel'

This airgram details a meeting with Admiral Quihillalt, director of the National Atomic Energy Commission of Argentinia, who notes that since the deal with Israel had been concluded before the IAEA established protocols for safeguard measures, the Argentine government did not feel the need to include reporting and inspection requirements. However, safeguards would be placed on future sales. Attached is a note from the Argentine Foreign Ministry, with an unofficial translation.

February 2, 1965

Cable 729 from the Department of State to the US Embassy in Argentina

In this cable, the US Department of State requested the Embassy to remind the Argentine government that it was still awaiting a response on the uranium sale to Israel, and asked the Embassy to review the "full extent" of Argentine exports of uranium.

November 30, 1964

Cable 749 from the US Embassy in Argentina to the Department of State, 'Sale of Uranium to Israel'

Although the Embassy noted that the Foreign Office's apparent support of safeguards did not necessarily represent the Argentine government's thinking, it concluded that more Argentine dialogue should be allowed before Washington took further representation.
