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February 1, 1970

Memorandum for the President, "Message from Kosygin"

Kissinger analyzes the message that Kosygin gave to the US regarding Israel's military action against the Arab states. He believes the tone is moderate, but still a threat, and that the Soviets are not in the stronger position. He also lays out a proposed response.

June 10, 1970

Mid-East issues -- NSC Meeting Wednesday, June 10

Memorandum for the President from Henry Kissinger summing up an NSC Meeting about the current issues facing the US position in the Middle East. Kissinger highlights the dangers of a "major-power war" breaking out over the Mid-East and the possibility of the US position giving way to Soviet predominance.

October 13, 1970

Memorandum for the President: Next Steps on the Middle East

In a letter to the President, Rogers plans to take advantage of the favorable conditions created by the recent talks in New York by continuing bilateral talks with the Soviet Union, and participating in the renewed Four Power talks at the UN. The goal is to restart dialogue by mid-November.

December 30, 1969

Saunders, Memorandum for Dr. Kissinger: US-USSR Mid-East Talks - Where They Stand

Saunders summarizes the current American and Soviet positions towards negotiating points such as specificity of language, timing of withdrawal of troops, boundaries and demilitarized zones, refugees' right of return, and recognition of sovereignty. Saunders believes they have reached an impasse.

December 24, 1969

Telegram from J. Sisco and A.L. Atherton to Secretary of State

An outline of the Soviet response to the current situation between Israel and the United Arab Republic. Sisco believes their reply is not constructive and will not improve issues in the region.

December 10, 1969

NSC Meeting: The Middle East. December 10, 1969

The Council re-caps the current situation in the Middle East and discusses US options to improve the American position in the Middle East and work for an Arab-Israeli settlement.

October 27, 1969

Memorandum for Dr. Kissinger: Go Ahead with Dobrynin Tomorrow?

Saunders gives the pros and cons of Sisco proceeding with a meeting he plans to have with Dobrynin to discuss their working paper. Saunders believes that Moscow is unlikely to accept this move as a concession, and that a settlement is the American's main chance to turn the tide in favor of them in the Middle East.

October 25, 1969

Status of US-Soviet Talks

Sisco discusses a working paper he is negotiating with the Soviet Union, making it clear that the US is not prepared to compromise on the first four points of the agreement. He plans to first inform the UAR of his work with the Soviets, then the Israelis.

October 10, 1969

Next Steps on the Middle East

Sisco references a memorandum outlining the overall strategy for US discussions with the Soviet Union on the Middle East. He intendeds that the deal they plan to offer will focus on the borders with the UAR and Jordan.

September 10, 1969

The Next Step in the Middle East - NSC Meeting Thursday, September 11

Kissinger analyzes major considerations in Middle East negotiations in advance of the NSC meeting, concluding that their only reasonable choice at the moment is to press Israel to accept the settlement terms the US develops.
