Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Central America and Caribbean
East Asia
North America
1926- 2016
October 1, 1981
ND -- Information on the Position of the CPSU Regarding the Polish Situation and criticism of the actions of Polish party leadership. This document was not dated.
October 8, 1981
November 25, 1980
Excerpts from a discussion between Czechoslovak leader Husak and Hungarian leader Kadar on the situation in Poland. Janos Kadar suggests that the source of the crisis rests with mistakes made by the Polish leadership regarding economic policies. However, he still supports Polish leader Gierek, and believes that he should not have been removed from his position of responsibility.
February 17, 1989
A report on the political-line of the USSR, attributing perestroika to the removal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. The document offers support for solving intra-Afghan conflicts.
July 26, 1960
A report on a meeting between Kim Il Sung and Nikita Khrushchev in which the two discussed Soviet aid to North Korea and the trilateral relations between China, the Soviet Union, and North Korea.
August 28, 1962
The Embassy of Czechoslovakia in North Korea comments on educational policies in North Korea and the state of Soviet-North Korean relations.
May 16, 1963
The Ambassadors of Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union, and East Germany discuss North Korea's foreign relations, the reunification of Korea, and economic conditions in the DPRK.