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February 1987

First Assessment of the Military Content of the 24th International Wehrkunde Conference from 31 January to 1 February 1987 in Munich

The report looks into the 24th Internationale Wehrkundetagung in Munich focusing on "Perspectives of NATO" and emphasizing a continued NATO's reliance on nuclear weapons and the strategy of flexible response. NATO policymakers did not endorse Egon Bahr's scheme for the creation of a nuclear- and chemical-weapons free zone in Europe.

December 15, 1982

Telegram, Reinert to Gen. Axen, Gen. Sieber, and Gen. Krolikowski

The Bulgarian Communist Party rejects allegations from Italy and other Western powers that Bulgaria was involved in the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II.

March 30, 1988

Telegram from Wolfgang Bayerlacher to Erich Honecker

A report by GDR Ambassador to Ethiopia, Wolfgang Bayerlacher, on the situation in the country.

November 8, 1979

Information about a Conversation of Comrade Hermann Axen, Member of the Politburo and Secretary of the Central Committee, with Comrade Nureddin Kianouri, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Tudeh Party of Iran

East German Politburo member Hermann Axen and First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Tudeh Party of Iran Noureddin Kianouri discuss the Iranian revolution and the place of the Tudeh Party within Khomeini's Iran.

January 7, 1970

Memorandum on a Consultation about Repatriation of Koreans Living in Japan, Provided to Comrade Herrmann by Comrade Kim Gwang-su, Member of the Presidential Board of the Central Committee of the Red Cross, on 29 December 1969 at 4:00

On a consultation with Herrmann, Kim Gwang-su informed him of ongoing situation on repatriation of Koreans living in Japan.

July 18, 1973

Letter, Oskar Fischer to Cde. Hermann Axen, 'Text of a Statement to be Presented Verbally to the Council of the Embassy of the PR China to the GDR'

Documents related to East Germany's protest against the intended establishment of a Chinese trade representation in West Berlin. The East German Ministry of Foreign Affairs stresses that West Berlin cannot be regarded as part of West Germany. Therefore, by initiating diplomatic relations with West Berlin without considering the existence of the internationally acknowledged Four Power Agreement on Berlin between the US, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union, China is deliberately acting against the interests of East Germany.

June 30, 1970

SED Central Committee Protocol No. 55/70, ' Support for the Communist Resistance Organization "Al-Ansar"'

This memorandum contains a list of military supplies that were supposed to be delivered to the Al Ansar group, a Palestinian militant group founded by the initiative of the Jordanian Communist Party with the aim to drive the Israeli forces behind the border lines of 5 June 1966. The justification for the delivery is that the Al Ansar group is small and ill-equipped. The final word on whether these supplies were delivered is not contained in the document.

September 3, 1989

Record of a Meeting in Berlin between Hermann Axe and Raul Castro Ruz

Record of a meeting in Berlin on 3 September 1989 between Hermann Axen, member of the Politburo and Secretary of the SED, and Cuban politician Raul Castro. Also present were Cuban politicians Juan Almeida Bosque, Vilma Espin and Carlos Aldana. Topics include US involvement in Panama and its effect on Latin America, internal problems with the Cuban government and acknowledgment that socialist governments in Eastern Europe were changing.

April 19, 1978

Draft Letter from Honecker to Brezhnev on Ethiopian-Eritrean Talks, 19 April 1978

The letter is written by Honecker to inform Brezhnev about talks that were held between Aforki (Eritrea) and Mengistu (Ethiopia). The talks focused on the development of autonomy for the Eritreans.

July 18, 1967

Memorandum on a Meeting with a Delegation from the Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK on 3 July 1967

A memorandum of conversation between Ri Yeong-ho and Hermann Matern in which two discuss bilateral relations, East Germany's domestic and foreign policy, North Korea's foreign policy, incidents in the Demilitarized Zone, and North Korea's military policy.
