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January 24, 1969

Minutes of Todor Zhivkov – Indira Gandhi Meeting, Delhi

The two leaders talk about Vietnam, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the situation in Europe.

April 27, 1970

Minutes of Conversation between Todor Zhivkov and Aldo Moro, Sofia, 1970

Todor Zhivkov and the Italian Foreign Minister, Aldo Moro, discuss the political and trade relations between People’s Republic of Bulgaria and Italy. They both emphasize the need for securing a long-lasting peace on the continent.

July 11, 1985

Information about the Visit of a Delegation of the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity (GNRU) to Bulgaria

A summary of statements made by GNRU leaders during meetings with Bulgarian officials, regarding the history of GNRU and its ongoing struggle to maintain its existence and to help unify communist movements throughout Central America. During the visit the delegation requested financial assistance from Bulgaria’s Fatherland Front along with the establishment of a university exchange program with AONSU [Bulgaria's Academy for Social Sciences and Management]. The following GNRU leaders were present: Rolando Morán, Gaspar Ilom, Pablo Monsanto. Ana-Maria, Ronaldo Moran’s spouse, and Captain Maria, spouse of Pablo Monsanto, attended some of the meetings and met with the Vice-Chair of the Bulgarian Women’s Movement – comrade V. Grueva. Comrade Pencho Kubadinski and Comrade Dimitar Stanishev welcomed the delegation and held discussions with all three leaders.

June 11, 1975

Todor Zhivkov’s Consultations with Soviet Experts on Relations with Romania

Prior to his visit to Bucharest, Todor Zhivkov meets Soviet representatives in Sofia in an attempt to co-ordinate Bulgarian policy toward Romania with the Soviet government. They discuss Soviet-Romanian relations, role of Romania in the Conference for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Romania in the Warsaw Pact and COMECON, Romania and the Non-Aligned Movement, Sino-Soviet relations, etc.

October 1, 1978

Policy Statement on the Bulgarian Relations with Angola, Ethiopia, Mozambique, and PDR of Yemen.

Policy recommendations for strengthening the political and economic ties between Bulgaria and the countries of the Third World.

October 16, 1978

Statements of Agostinho Neto, Samora Machel and Mengistu Haile Mariam on the Political Situation in Zimbabwe

Statements made during Todor Zhivkov’s visit to sub-Saharan Africa, 16-19 October 1978

January 13, 1979

Minutes of Conversation, Todor Zhivkov – Leonid Brezhnev

Leonid Ilyich analyzes the establishment of US-Chinese diplomatic relations and recent developments in Iran and the Middle East. Todor Zhivkov talks about Bulgaria’s economic development and the Soviet cancellation of Bulgarian debt.
