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June 18, 1988

Fidel Castro Meeting with Top Aides, 'Reunión con el Comandante en Jefe el 18/6/88'

Fidel Castro’s meeting with top aides.

June 17, 1988

Fidel Castro Meeting with Top Aides, 'Reunión con el Comandante en Jefe el 17/6/88'

Fidel Castro’s meeting with top aides.

June 7, 1988

Alejandro [Fidel Castro] to Rubén [Arnaldo Ochoa] and Polo Cintra Frías

General Arnaldo Ochoa, code-named Rubén, was the head of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola; General Polo Cintra Frías was the commander of the Cuban troops in southern Angola; Alejandro was Castro’s code name.

June 7, 1988

Alejandro [Fidel Castro] to Rubén [Arnaldo Ochoa]

General Arnaldo Ochoa, code-named Rubén, was the head of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola; Alejandro was Castro’s code name.

May 18, 1988

Fidel Castro to José Eduardo dos Santos

José Eduardo dos Santos was the president of Angola.

April 23, 1988

Instructions to the Cuban Delegation for the London Meeting, 'Indicaciones concretas del Comandante en Jefe que guiarán la actuación de la delegación cubana a las conversaciones de Luanda y las negociaciones de Londres (23-4-88)'

Fidel Castro’s instructions for the Cuban delegation to the 3-4 May 1988 London meeting of the delegations of Angola, Cuba, South Africa and the United States to discuss the future of Angola and Namibia.

April 22, 1988

Instructions to the Cuban Delegation for the London Meeting, 'Indicaciones concretas del Comandante en Jefe que guiarán la actuación de la delegación cubana a las conversaciones de Luanda y las negociaciones de Londres (22-4-88)'

Fidel Castro’s instructions for the Cuban delegation to the 3-4 May 1988 London meeting of the delegations of Angola, Cuba, South Africa and the United States to discuss the future of Angola and Namibia.

March 28, 1988

Memorandum of Conversation between Fidel Castro and Anatoly Adamishin

Anatoly Adamishin was Soviet deputy foreign minister for Africa.

March 10, 1988

Fidel Castro to Alvaro [Jorge Risquet]

Jorge Risquet, who was code-named Alvaro, was Castro’s point man for Angola; Alejandro was Fidel Castro’s code name.

March 6, 1988

Fidel Castro to José Eduardo dos Santos

José Eduardo dos Santos was the president of Angola.
