Eastern Europe
(372) documents
1905- 1954
East Asia
1893- 1976
1898- 1976
1898- 1969
1879- 1953
1912- 1994
June 27, 1966
Zhou Enlai, Enver Hoxha, and Mehmet Shehu have a detailed conversation about high-level purges in the Chinese Communist Party. Zhou also discusses China's difficult relations with North Korea and the Vietnam War.
May 5, 1966
Mao Zedong, Mehmet Shehu, Hysni Kapo, and others have a conversation, coincidentally, on Marx’s birthday. They discuss Khrushchev’s legacy, the history of the Chinese Communist Party, and the story of Liri Belishova.
December 15, 1949
November 19, 1949
Zhou Enlai tasks Gao Gang and Li Fuchun with exploring whether or not Chinese coal can be exported to North Korea.
October 12, 1950
Mao Zedong has already given orders to halt Chinese troops preparing to cross the Korean border.
October 8, 1950
Mao informs Stalin that the Chinese volunteers could cross into Korea by October 15.
June 21, 1975
This records contains the full transcript of the talks between Mao and Pol Pot (an excerpt was originally published in CWIHP Working Paper #22, '77 Conversations between Chinese and Foreign Leaders on the Wars in Indochina'). Mao Zedong muses on the nature of the struggle between the capitalist and socialist forces within China. He tells Pol Pot not to blindly follow the Chinese model, but adopt Marxist theory to the Cambodian realities.
March 3, 1954
The Central Committee provides instructions on transmitting and discussing Zhou Enlai's speech on the Gao Gang issue.
February 25, 1954
Zhou Enlai outlines his criticisms of Gao Gang and the reasons for his purge from the Chinese Communist Party.
March 1, 1954
Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yi, and Tan Zhenlin summarize the seven meetings held to discuss the purge of Rao Shushi.