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June 8, 1978

Speech by L.I. Brezhnev to CPSU CC Politburo, 08 June 1978

Concerns US-Soviet relations, including involvement in Africa, NATO, China, and SALT.

July 11, 1978

Political Letter of Soviet Ambassador to the United States Anatoly F. Dobrynin

September 27, 1979

Minutes of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting (excerpt)

Minutes of the CPSU CC Politburo Meeting. Carter has appealed to the Soviet Union regarding the issue of the presence of a military brigade in Cuba. The meeting attendees discuss a rough draft response and offer corrections.

August 28, 1980

Special Dossier on the Polish Crisis of 1980

Memorandum to the CPSU Politburo from the Suslov Commission regarding a request by the Soviet Ministry of Defense to bring up to full readiness 3 divisions of the Soviet Armed Forces. The memorandum cautions the Soviet leadership that, in case the Polish Armed Forces switch allegiance to the counter-revolutionary forces, another 5-7 divisions might be necessary.

April 21, 1979

Protocol #150 of the CC CPSU Politburo Session, 21 April 1979

Concerns helicopter and ammunition deliveries from the Soviet Union to Afghanistan.

November 9, 1950

Protocol No. 78 of a Meeting of the Special Committee Under the Council of Ministers of the USSR

Draft telegram to Roshchin on Chinese participation in the UN Security Council.

September 29, 1953

Memorandum of Conversation between the Chinese Ambassador to the USSR and Gromyko

International relations between the USSR, China, USA, and England; a proposal to have discussions among the different nations in regards to the solution for post-WWII Germany; mention of an attempt to lessen tension.

October 20, 1950

Letter from Gromyko to Stalin on Korean Students in USSR

Report of the decisions on the training of Korean students of aviation and telegraph operation, graduate students, and specialists. The Korean ambassador, Ju Yeon-ha, requested to be informed in the preparation of the students and to be able to ask questions about the training.

December 25, 1951

Memorandum from Gromyko to Razuvaev

Gromyko suggests to Stalin, via Razuvaev, to turn down Vyshinsky’s proposal for publishing a communiqué about the American position in the armistice talks.

March 5, 1952

Memorandum from Gromyko to Stalin

Message from Gromyko (MID) to Stalin advising against the proposal of Amb. Razuvaev to publish an interview of Kim Il Sung on the grounds that it is inflammatory and rash.
