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August 22, 1960

Memorandum of Conversation Between Deputy Minister Geng and Pakistani Ambassador to Afghanistan Abdur Rahman Khan at Ambassador Khan’s Banquet for Vice Premier Chen

Pakistani Ambassador to Afghanistan Khan and Chinese Deputy Minister Geng discuss Sino-Afghani trade, Sino-Pakistani relations, and the status of Pakistani and Chinese nationals in Indonesia. While both officials express hope that Sino-Pakistani relations will improve and any Sino-Pakistani border issues will soon be resolved, Geng expresses his displeasure with Pakistan's long-standing opposition to the restoration of China's seat at the UN.

June 26, 1969

Letter from Mario Crema to Pietro Nenni

Crema outlines the current trends of Chinese foreign policy as Chinese mission leaders abroad gradually return and border tensions with the USSR arise.

October 6, 1969

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Note of Asia-Oceania Department, 'Sino-French Relations'

Following the peak of the Cultural Revolution, the French Foreign Ministry concludes that Sino-French relations "have shown signs of détente, which, in the current context, represents important progress."

February 12, 1955

Cable from Huang Zhen, 'Discussion of Issues relating to the Asian-African Conference during the Meeting with Sidik'

The Ambassador to Indonesia reports on a meeting with Sidik Djojosukarto, the leader of the Indonesian National Party (PNI), regarding the Asian-African conference, Indonesian politics, and Sidik's possible visit to China.

January 2, 1955

Cable from Huang Zhen, 'Situation Report of the Bogor Conference'

Huang Zhen reports the circumstances of the receptions and dinners hosted by Indonesia and his personal conversations with the Ceylonese premier, the Indonesian premier and the Indonesian foreign minister during the Bogor Conference.

December 20, 1954

Cable from Huang Zhen, 'The Prime Ministers of India and Other Countries are Going to Jakarta to attend the Bogor Conference'

Report on plans for the Bogor Conference, including arrival dates of Prime Minister Nehru and other Indian officials, and the mass assembly on the 30th.

December 18, 1954

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia, 'Various Indonesian Groups are Paying Attention to the Bogor Conference'

A review of Indonesian press coverage of the Bogor Conference and plans for the upcoming Asian-African Conference.

December 6, 1954

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia, 'The Prime Ministers of India, Burma, Pakistan, Ceylon are Preparing to Attend the Bogor Conference'

Ambassador to Indonesia Huang Zhen reports that the prime ministers of India, Burma, Ceylon and Pakistan are planning to attend the Bogor Conference. Ceylon's request that China, Japan, Israel and Turkey not be invited to the Asian-African Conference has been rejected.

August 18, 1963

Cable from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Department, and the General Staff Department, 'Supplementary Report on Handling the Bodies of the Indian Army along the Western Sector of the Sino-Indian Border'

Zhou Enlai's instructions regarding the clearing of bodies of Indian personnel and possible Indian provocative actions related to this issue.

November 30, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia, 'Minutes of Conversation between Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Huang Zhen and Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk'

The Chinese Embassy forwards the minutes of a conversation between Huang Zhen and Norodom Sihanouk.
