Eastern Europe
(372) documents
1918- 1989
1924- 2007
North America
April 22, 1989
A group of Soviet officials propose that the KGB, among other institutions, investigate the circumstances and locations of the deaths of Polish officers interned in the Soviet Union during World War II.
December 21, 1989
Memorandum of conversation with the Ambassador of the SRR [Socialist Republic of Romania] in the USSR, I. Bucur regarding the events in Timisoara, expressing confusion about comments by Romanian officials concerning planned intervention by the Soviet Union
December 22, 1989
Record of Conversation with the Ambassador of the SFRY [Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia] in the USSR, Milan Veres regarding the events in Timisoara and the Yugoslav evaluation of these events, as well as Yugoslav concern over the situation
December 24, 1989
Record of conversation with US Ambassador to the USSR, J. Matlock regarding the situation in Romania, providing humanitarian aid to Romania, the evacuation of Soviet citizens, and the non-intervention policy by the Soviet Union
Document Year: 1989