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November 14, 1946

Questions concerning the Pre-election Campaign in North Korea

This document discusses the Korean elections to the People's Committee, posing and answering a specific set of questions. The first questions concerns the idea that estate owners would attempt to divert peasants from participating in the elections since they were unhappy with the land reforms. Other questions talks about an Yezd, where the students and teachers printed a list of people who had expressed dissatisfaction towards the People's Committee.

August 11, 1950

The Political Situation in Korea during the Period of Military Operations

A report on the Korean War from June through August 1950, including discussions on the start of the conflict, news media in North and South Korea, the air war, and the North Korean occupation of Seoul.

May 6, 1950

Cable, A. Ignat'yev to Cde. Gromyko, 'The Partisan Movement in South Korea'

Ignatyev discusses the partisan movement in the rural areas of South Korea.

January 1, 1947

Letter to General-Lieutenant Hodge on Northern Korea Providing Electricity to Southern Korea

Shtykov informs Ignatev of South Korea's current inability to pay its debt for electricity to North Korea.

April 25, 1950

Telegram from Ignatiev to Vyshinsky

Report of Kim Il Sung and Pak Heon-yeong’s safe arrival into North Korea.

April 10, 1950

Ciphered telegram, Soviet Representative Aleksei Ignatieff in Pyongyang to Vyshinsky

In a discussion between Mao Zedong and Ri Ju-yeon, Mao expresses a positive attitude toward China-North Korea relations, though indicates he is unaware that Kim Il Sung was then in the Soviet Union.