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September 5, 1968

Extract from Protocol No. 99, Meeting of the Politburo of the CC of the CPSU on 5 September 1968, 'VI. On Directives to the USSR Delegation at the XXIII Session of the UN General Assembly'

Note asking that Brezhnev, Kosygin, Podgornyy, Mazurov, Gromyko confirm the draft of directives to the USSR Delegation at the XXIII session of the UN General Assembly.

July 1964

Transcript of Conversations Between Delegations of the Romanian Workers Party Central Committee and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee in Moscow (Excerpts)

Transcript of meetings in Moscow between Romanian and Soviet officials. They discuss disagreements and divergences that have developed between the two parties.

December 1, 1966

Excerpts from the Record of a Conversation between Podgornyy and Kim Byeong-jik

The two diplomats discuss the Soviet-North Korean relationship and the diplomatic protocol involved in welcoming Kim Il Sung to Moscow.

April 13, 1964

Note of Polish-Soviet Talks in Moscow on 13-15 April 1964

Exceprts from a Polish-Soviet talk in Moscow in April 1964 that are about the Cuban issue. Specifically, they are about each country's sugar trade values with Cuba.

January 20, 1967

Record of Conversation between N.V. Podgorny and Ambassador of the DPRK in the USSR Kim Chunbong

Record of Conversation between N.V. Podgorny and Ambassador of the DPRK in the USSR Kim Chunbong in which the two discuss the state of Soviet-North Korean relations, the Vietnam War, the situation in the Demilitarized Zone, and North Korea's relations with China.

August 1, 1967

Letter, Walter Ulbricht to Leonid Brezhnev

Ulbricht writes to Brezhnev about the delegation to the UAR, led by Mr. Weiss. Ulbricht assesses the political situation in the UAR with respect to Nasser and the weak situation of the Arab Socialist Union. Ulbricht also informs Brezhnev about the situation in the SAR, which seems to be worsening due to a lack of concepts for postwar recovery. Ulbricht suggests sending economic and political experts in order to strengthen the cooperation between the UAR, the SAR and the socialist countries.

January 18, 1967

Polish-Soviet Talks in Lansk: January 18, 1967

Gomulka, Podgorny and Brezhnev discuss an upcoming conference of communist parties. Central to the discussion is the attitude of the Chinese.