Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
1912- 1994
1894- 1971
August 31, 1972
Comrade Schneidewind and Ambassador Peng Guangwei discuss reports that China may be establishing diplomatic relations with West Germany
October 8, 1960
Petro Gedeshi and Kurt Schneidewind argue about the Soviet decision to recall specialists from the China. Kim Il Sung understands the delay of Khrushchev's visit to the DPRK and suggests that it be rescheduled for spring 1961.
September 9, 1960
Puzanov and Jeong Il-yong discuss the Soviet construction advisory committee's visit to the DPRK. GDR Ambassador Kurt Schneidewind informs them of the new entry process for West Berlin citizens traveling to socialist countries.
April 13, 1960
Puzanov recounts a discussion he held with GDR Ambassador Kurt Schneidewind.
May 26, 1960
Puzanov and Kurt Schneidewind discuss East German-North Korean relations and North Korea's request for equipment from the GDR.
October 7, 1960
Kim Tae-hui briefs the foreign diplomatic community in the DPRK on the struggles in South Korea and for the peaceful reunification of the country.
August 25, 1960
The ambassador describes an August 25 meeting with GDR Ambassador Schneidewind.
August 24, 1960
The Soviet Ambassador describes an August 24 meeting between a delegation of the Soviet-Korean Friendship Society and Kim Il Sung.
February 16, 1962
A report on the Chinese government extradition of four North Koreans who were former members of the Korean Workers' Party Central Committee
September 20, 1962
German Ambassador Schneidewind discusses Kim Il Sung's reception of an East German delegation.