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November 13, 1958

Journal Entry of Ambassador Volkov: A Conversation with Subandrio

A journal entry from B.M. Volkov, the Soviet Ambassador to Indonesia, about a meeting with Subandrio, the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, on October 22, 1958. Over the course of about an hour, they discussed several issues of Indonesian internal and foreign affairs, including concerns about unrest in Thailand and interference from the West, tension with Australia over possession of West Irian (Indonesian New Guinea), Sukarno's upcoming visit to Latin America and Subandrio's upcoming visit to the Soviet Union.

May 28, 1965

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Indonesian Prime Minister Subandrio

Zhou Enlai outlines the Chinese reaction should the US expand the Vietnam War into China, reassuring Subandrio that should the war enter China, his country is prepared to retaliate.

December 1958

Journal Entry of Ambassador Volkov: A Conversation with Subandrio

Notes from the journal of B.M. Volkov, Soviet Ambassador to Indonesia, on a meeting with Subandrio, Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, on December 15, 1958. The two discussed Soviet displeasure with Indonesian actions connected to the Africa-Asia Conference that had occurred a week prior. Subandrio "expressed regret" for the situation and replied that the newspaper that had reported the "unfriendly" situation had been shut down. Subandrio said that the Indonesian government had also ordered an investigation of the delegation that was at the heart of the controversy.

January 28, 1959

Journal Entry of Ambassador Volkov: Conversation With Subandrio

Notes from the journal of B.M. Volkov, Soviet Ambassador to Indonesia, on a meeting with Subandrio, Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, on December 26, 1958. The two discussed Soviet-Indonesian economic cooperation, Subandrio's request for the Soviets to assist the Indonesian delegation to the Soviet Union, Indonesia's interest in acquiring a cruiser from the Soviets, a visit of Soviet military ships to Indonesia, a new candidate for Indonesian military attaché, and Sukarno's interest in visiting the Soviet Union.
