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November 29, 1954

Record of Conversation with Prime Minister of the Mongolian People's Republic, Comrade Tsedenbal. (fragments)

Soviet Ambassador to Mongolia, Vasily Pisarev, reports on the discussions between Mongolian leader Tsedenbal and Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Ulanfu on Sino-Mongolian Cooperation. The ambassador reports Tsedenbal's request that China send 20,000 Chinese workers to settle in Mongolia and work in Mongolian factories. (fragments)

February 24, 1956

Excerpts from Tsedenbal's diary on his conversation with Soviet leader Anastas Mikoyan on Soviet Economic Cooperation and Aid to the People's Republic of Mongolia (Fragments)

Tsedenbal's diary entry on his conversation with Anastas Mikoyan regarding Soviet economic aid and cooperation with the Mongolian People's Republic. Tsedenbal asks Mikoyan to forgive upcoming payments due and provide additional materials and Soviet workers for construction of railroads. Mikoyan tells Tsedenbal that the Soviets will help, but that Mongolia must prepare its own workforce and not be dependent on Soviet or Chinese help. The two also discuss trade issues and Chinese designs on Mongolia.

December 1, 1965

Mongolian Politburo Resolution and Letter to the Soviet leadership requesting Soviet troops be stationed on Mongolian soil to defend against possible attack.

Mongolian Politburo Resolution and the Letter from Mongolian First Secretary Yu Tsedenbal to the Soviet leadership requesting one additional Soviet military unit to be stationed on Mongolian soil and at Soviet expense in order to reinforce the defense capabilities of the Mongolian People's Republic.

September 9, 1957

Memorandum of Conversation between the Government of Romania and the Delegation of Popular Republic of Mongolia, 9 September 1957 (Fragment)

Fragment of the discussions between the delegation of the People's Republic of Mongolia led by Yumjaagiyn Tsedenbal and the Romanian government in Bucharest, 9 September 1957. Tsedenbal describes the formation of the history and current state of relations between the Mongolian and Soviet Communist parties, Mongolia's relationship with the People's Republic of China, as well as the status of economic reforms in Mongolia
