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July 11, 1981

Stasi Note on Meeting Between Minister Mielke and KGB Chairman Andropov

KGB Chairman Andropov and East German Minister for State Security Mielke meet to discuss ongoing Stasi/KGB cooperation and international affairs. Topics of conversation include the Ronald Reagan administration, the Polish Solidarity Crisis,

February 14, 1984

Record of a meeting on February 13, 1984 between Erich Honecker and Fidel Castro

Record of a meeting held in Moscow on 13 February 1984 between Comrade Erich Honecker and Comrade Fidel Castro. Some of the topics include the U.S. invasion of Grenada, Ronald Reagan's policies and improvements in Cuban industries.

June 16, 1986

Kenneth Adelman, Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, to Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, 'Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons Programs and US Security Assistance'

A letter from the United States Control and Disarmament Agency assessing Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program and US security assistance. Three main issues and possible courses of actions are discussed; they include President Reagan’s “red lines,” certification of Pakistani nuclear activity and convincing Congress to continue aid to Pakistan after September 1987.

November 26, 1982

Secretary of State George Schultz to President Reagan, 'How Do We Make Use of the Zia Visit to Protect Our Strategic Interests in the Face of Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons Activities'

Secretary of State George Shultz’s letter to President Reagan covering the history of US responses to Pakistan’s nuclear program and future courses of action by the United States. While each option will rescind United States’ aid money, the Secretary details three different ways to go about it, with varying political implications for each.

May 3, 1985

Letter by the Chairman of the SPD, Brandt, to the President of the United States of America, Reagan

Brandt writes to Reagan briefly about German-American relations and the need for President Reagan to meet with German Chancellor.


Keep Space Weapon Free

Pamphlet by the Soviet Novosti Press Agency arguing against the deployment of anti-satellite weapons into outer space.

December 27, 1979

Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Cuba A.S. Seletskii and Jose Antonio Arbesu, Head of the USA sector of the Cuban Communist Party Central Committee

Memorandum of conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Cuba and Head of the USA sector of the Cuban Communist Party Central Committee about the US-Cuban relations

December 27, 1988

Minutes of the Meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU CC), (Excerpts)

Minutes of the Meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU CC), (Excerpts) regarding the change of presidency from Reagan to Bush, defense issues and international opinion of the imminent collapse of the Soviet Union

June 4, 1981

Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting (excerpt), 4 June 1981

The Politburo discusses the internal economic situation within the Soviet Union, the situation in Afghanistan (in particular the group "Parcham" and Karmal), relations with the US, and the treatment of Jews in the USSR.

November 15, 1986

Saddam Hussein and His Advisers Discussing Reagan's Speech to the Nation on "Irangate" (Iran-Contra) Revelations (Part 2)

This file contains a transcript of a meeting led by Saddam Hussein on Ronald Reagan's speech regarding US arms sales to Iran. The participants discuss the arms sales and their rationale, the Iran-Iraq War, the Israeli role in US policy, the Iranian intelligence services, and the state of Iraq's relations with other Arab countries.
