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July 23, 1973

Comment for Comrade Minister Oskar Fischer

Documents related to East Germany's protest against the intended establishment of a Chinese trade representation in West Berlin. The East German Ministry of Foreign Affairs stresses that West Berlin cannot be regarded as part of West Germany. Therefore, by initiating diplomatic relations with West Berlin without considering the existence of the internationally acknowledged Four Power Agreement on Berlin between the US, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union, China is deliberately acting against the interests of East Germany.

February 23, 1968

Excerpt from a Letter of the Acting Ambassador of East Germany to North Korea, Comrade Jarck

Ambassador Jarck reports his assessment of North Korean intentions in the seizure of the USS Pueblo and the simultaneous Blue House Raid.

July 29, 1968

Note on the Farewell Visit of the Polish Ambassador to the DPRK, Comrade Naperei, with Comrade Jarck on 26 July 1968 between 11:00 and 12:30 hours

The German and Polish ambassadors in North Korea review clashes along the DMZ, the capture of the USS Pueblo, and the connections between Prague Spring and events in Korea.

August 8, 1968

Note on a Conversation between the 1st Secretary in the USSR Embassy, Comrade Zvetkov, and Comrade Jarck on 7 August 1968 between 17:00 and 19:00 hours

The East German Ambassador in the DPRK summarizes South Korea's revised and strengthened military policy in the wake of North Korea's provocations in 1968.

November 13, 1967

50th Anniversary of the October Revolution in the DPRK

The East Germany Embassy reports that "relations between DPRK and PRC are also tense and a source of concern for the Korean comrades."

March 16, 1967

Note on a Conversation with the 1st Secretary of the Soviet Embassy, Comrade Zvetkov, on 15 March 1967

A note on Kim Il Sung's concern about the possible impact of "Cultural Revolution" in China on North Korea and his stance on the Sino-Soviet debate.

October 20, 1967

Note on a Conversation with the Acting Ambassador of the People’s Republic of Poland, Comrade Pudisz, on 9 October 1967 between 1000 and 1130 hours in the Polish Embassy

A short note on North Korea's foreign economic relations with China and the USSR, as well as anti-Korean sentiment in China.

March 4, 1968

GDR Embassy Letter to State Secretary Hegen

A wide-ranging report written by the East German Ambassador on the USS Pueblo Incident, inter-Korean relations, North Korean military and defense policies, the juche ideology, economic development in the DPRK, and North Korea's foreign relations.

January 27, 1968

Note on a Conversation with the Polish Ambassador, Comrade Naperei, on 26 January 1968 in the Polish Embassy

Ambassador Jarck reports on a conversation with the Polish Ambassador who spoke of the recent relocation of two squadrons of F-105's from Okinawa to South Korea, North Korean raids on the South, and the United States' moves towards the Swiss and the Neutral Commission Supervisory Commission.

August 4, 1967

Information about the Central Committee Plenum of the Korean Workers Party between 28 June and 3 July 1967

Report about the plenum of the North Korean Labor Party on 3 July 1967 concerning North Korean economic and defense affairs, and the 1967 Gapsan Faction purge. North Korean reunification efforts are also discussed.
