Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
April 20, 1972
Lee Hu-rak states that he cannot visit the North during April, but he proposes that when a high level meeting does take place a joint announcement by both sides should be made surrounding the details of said meeting.
November 20, 1971
North Korean delegate Kim Deok-hyeon and South Korean delegate Jeong Hong-jin discuss family meetings and agree to set up a meeting between higher ranking officials.
December 10, 1971
In meeting between North Korean delegate Kim Deok-hyeon and South Korean delegate Jeong Hong-jin, the South explains that it wants to see progress within the Red Cross negotiations, while the North presses for a meeting between high level officials.
December 17, 1971
A meeting between delegates of the North and South in which both sides provide detailed responses to questions raised in a previous meeting.
January 29, 1972
This conversation focuses on the delegate of the North suggesting that both parties should carry letters of confidence to prove both of their legitimacy, but the delegate of the South believes this is unnecessary