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January 16, 1994

Cable, U.S. Delegation Secretary to the Secretary of State, 'Secretary’s Meeting with Foreign Ministers of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. January 11, 1994, Prague, the Ambassador's Residence'

US Secretary of State Christopher described the results of a recent NATO summit, the Partnership for Peace (PfP) concept, and NATO expansion.

April 5, 1977

Memorandum, Patsy Mink, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, to Deputy Secretary of State, 'State Department Views on the Partial Response to PD-8,' with attached memorandum from Warren Chr

The memorandum describing President Carter's decision to indefinitely defer the commercial reprocessing and recylce of plutonium in the US and Japan's firm position in keeping a reprocessing capability.

May 19, 1977

Memorandum for Jimmy Carter from Warren Christopher, 'US Policy in Korea: Withdrawal of Ground Combat Forces'

Warren Christopher sent papers on measures to sustain deterrence in Korea, summarizing major issues including ground force withdrawal schedule, defense compensation package and Air Force Deployment.

May 22, 1980

Record of Policy Review Committee Meeting, 'Korea'

Officials from the US Department of State, the White House, the CIA, NSC, OSD, and JCS determine US policy toward South Korea in light of the events in Gwangju.

August 10, 1977

Letter, Warren Christopher to William Hyland, 'Response to Soviet Message on South Africa'

This draft reply to Leonid Brezhnev's August 1977 message to Jimmy Carter on the suspicious site in the Kalahari Desert includes a number of interesting points, among them a request for the "geographic coordinates, size, configuration, and exact nature of the facility." Presumably this information would be used by the US to better target its reconnaissance satellites on the site.

June 1, 1979

US Department of State Cable, Coordination of Initiative with President Park to Reduce Tensions on the Korean Peninsula

Warren Christopher reports that Jimmy Carter would like to push for tripartite talks between the U.S., South Korea, and North Korea, and instructs the Ambassador in Seoul to approach the South Korean leadership on this matter.
