Eastern Europe
(372) documents
South Asia
1947- 1996
1953- 2001
Central America and Caribbean
Central Africa
1930- 2015
August 12, 1984
General Polo Cintra Frías was the head of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola; General Valentin Varennikov was the third highest ranking officer of the Soviet Army.
January 25, 1984
Jorge Risquet was Castro’s point man for Angola; General Valentin Varennikov was the third highest ranking officer of the Soviet Army.
August 1988
Varennikov reports on Afghan opposition leader Ahmad Shah Masoud, who is seen as the most significant threat to the Soviet-backed regime.
October 1988
Report on efforts to contact Afghan opposition leader Ahmad Shah Masoud.
November 1988
Report on the degrading political and military situation in Afghanistan.
Varennikov reports on problems with the Afghan forces, including excessive demands for additional weapons and equipment and the unreliability of Afghan troops.
March 1988
Varennikov makes recommendations for the Afghanistan military after the withdrawal of the Soviet army. He recommends retreating from smaller garrisons and outposts, and concentrating on "holding the most important areas and facilities of the country."
January 10, 1988
General Varennikov reports on a meeting with Layek, a close advisor of Afghan President Najibullah. HTey discussed steps necessary to strengthen the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan and stabilize the country prior to the withdrawal of Soviet troops.