Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
1893- 1976
1898- 1976
1905- 1998
North America
September 16, 1959
A PRC memorandum outlines supposed American plots to create “two Chinas."
July 13, 1950
Stalin tells Mao that the British have been pressuring the Soviets to help for the North Koreans to withdraw to the 38th peril, and the Soviets are offended by this, and to want to insist on Soviet and PRC participation in the Security Council to resolve the issue. He also informs Mao of his willingness to send more planes, and more pilots to help train Chinese forces.
August 30, 1945
Zhou Enlai discusses the agenda for upcoming talks with Chiang Kai-shek and the Chinese Nationalist Party.
January 20, 1951
Yudin recounts his meetings with Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, and Zhou Enlai. In three meetings, Yudin learned more about China's relations with other communist parties in Asia, economic conditions in China, and developments in the Korean War.
July 7, 1942
At the instruction of the Soviet government and Cde. Stalin personally, the Soviet ambassador to China is instructed to inform Chiang Kai-shek of the worrying views expressed by Shicai Sheng in his recent letter to Stalin, Voroshilov, and Molotov and present him with the text of Molotov's reply.
June 8, 1962
The Soviet Government presents its views on developments along the Xinjiang-USSR border.
April 30, 1962
A Soviet account, presented to the Chinese Foreign Ministry of the cross border exodus in Xinjiang.
April 24, 1962
The Soviet Union states that, as of April 24, at least 10,000 individuals from Xinjiang have crossed into the USSR.
January 22, 1960
Chen Yi and Chervonenko discuss a US plot to forge an anti-communist united front in Laos, and offer advice on the road forward for the Laotion revolution.
April 19, 1958
Conversation between P.F. Yudin, Mao Zedong, and Zhou Enlai regarding Yugoslavia's place in the international Communist community, especially Tito's inconsistency as an ally.