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November 19, 1951

Ciphered Telegram, Special No. 1821 from Beijing

Telegram from Roshchin to Moscow after meeting Zhou Enlai who asked him to request of Stalin an answer to Mao's earlier inquiry on the negotiations in Korea.

January 1, 1950

Memorandum, Conversation of Mao and USSR Ambassador to China N.V. Roshchin on 1 January 1950

Mao Zedong informs Roshchin that India and Burma had expressed interest in establishing diplomatic relations with China, and that the UK may follow suit. The Chinese position, Mao said, is to agree to negotiations if these governments renounced their ties with the Guomindang. Mao and Roshchin also discussed the military situation and the question of Japanese POWs. Mao did not the POWs right away because the Chinese legal system was not developed enough. He also informed Roshchin of his intention to curtain stay in the USSR.

June 3, 1959

Report of Conversation with the General Secretary of the CCP CC, Deng Xiaoping

February 23, 1954

From the Journal of Ambassador Pavel Yudin: Record of Conversation with Mao Zedong, 4 January 1954

A memorandum of conversation between Mao Zedong and Pavel Yudin. Yudin informs Mao about the Soviet "uncovering" of Lavrentii Beria's espionage. Mao thanks for the information and notes that it will be highly useful for China. He hints that the political atmosphere in the CCP had been "unhealthy" as some people have tried to use others' mistakes to undermine their reputation. In this connection, Mao refers to Zhang Guotao as a Guomindang spy, and also speculates that Wang Ming may have been recruited by the Guomindang as early as 1930.

March 31, 1954

From the Journal of Ambassador Pavel Yudin: Memorandum of Conversation with Mao Zedong, 26 March 1954

Chairman Mao and Soviet Ambassador Pavel Yudin discuss the "Gao Gang affair." Mao recounts Gao Gang's scheming within the ranks of the CCP, and how he tried to use Mao's name to attack Liu Shaoqi and Zhou Enlai.

January 17, 1955

From the Journal of Ambassador Pavel Yudin: Record of Conversation with Mao Zedong on 8 January 1955

A conversation with Soviet Ambassador to China Pavel Yudin and Mao Zedong concerning then-current Sino Soviet relations. Topics included commitment of Party cadres to the Marxist-Leninist ideal, a meeting in Jakarta between prime ministers of India, Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka (then Ceylon), and Indonesia, and how to counterbalance the United States in Asia and Africa.

March 12, 1955

From the Journal of Ambassador Pavel Yudin: Record of Conversation with Mao Zedong on 8 March 1955

A conversation between Soviet Ambassador to China Pavel Yudin and Mao Zedong. Topics of discussion included the writing of an article for Pravda regarding Lenin's influence of the Chinese Revolution, the Gao Gang Affair, and the recent break between Josip Tito's Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.

April 8, 1955

From the Journal of Ambassador Pavel Yudin: Memorandum of Conversation with Liu Shaoqi

Record of conversation between Liu Shaoqi and Soviet Ambassador to China Pavel Yudin. The main topic of discussion was the subjects to be covered at the All-China Party conference, scheduled for June 1955. The conference would focus on the Gao Gang case, a new five-year-plan, and an article to be written by Chairman Mao Zedong for Lenin Days. The meeting concluded with discussion of a new political economy textbook to be distributed in Chinese.

May 25, 1955

From the Journal of Ambassador Pavel Yudin: Memorandum of Conversation with Mao Zedong, 25 May 1955

A conversation between Mao Zedong and Soviet Ambassador to China Pavel Yudin. Among topics of discussion were developments on the Gao Gang Affair and anti communist activities in China.

February 2, 1954

From the Journal of Ambassador Pavel Yudin: Memorandum of Conversation between Liu Shaoqi and Zhou Enlai

A conversation between Soviet Ambassador to China Pavel Yudin, CCP Secretary Liu Shoaqi and Prime Minister Zhou Enlai. The primary topic of discussion was the ongoing Gao Gang case, and his attempts to split the Communist Party. The cohesion and unity of the Party was of primary concern, as both feared Gao Gang's power and influence over the party may threaten the country's political stability as a whole.
