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July 9, 1997

Memorandum of Conversation: Meeting with Ukrainian President Kuchma (following NATO-Ukraine Charter signing): NATO-Ukraine, Ukrainian Domestic Situation, Chornobyl Replacement Power

President Clinton and President Kuchma discuss economic conditions inside Ukraine, Russia-Ukraine relations following Ukraine's signing of an agreement with NATO, and replacing reactors in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

May 16, 1997

Memorandum of Conversation: Meeting with President Kuchma of Ukraine

President Clinton and President Kuchma discuss NATO-Ukraine relations, Russa-Ukraine relations, and domestic politics in Russia and Ukraine. Kuchma relays to Clinton that "I am deeply confident that Russia will never agree to an independent Ukraine in its mentality and thinking."

July 22, 1993

Minister A.M. Zlenko to Prime Minister of Ukraine K.D. Kuchma

Zlenko sends a report to Kuchma suggesting a divergence in position between Russian the Ukraine on the problems related to nuclear weapons located in Ukraine.

April 21, 1993

Minister A.M. Zlenko to Prime Minister of Ukraine L.D. Kuchma

Zlenko sends the Prime Minister of Ukraine a report on the possible consequences of Ukraine not joining the NPT, particularly the succession of Ukraine of to the obligations of the former USSR to the NPT. The report concludes that Ukraine can either ratify the NPT as a non-nuclear state and adhere to its previously stated intentions on nuclear weapons or not ratify the NPT. It suggests that Ukraine should participate in the NPT along with START-1 and the Lisbon Protocol.