Eastern Europe
(372) documents
South Asia
North America
1906- 1982
December 1, 1965
Account of a recent exhibition in Kabul, including a Tajik publication in Arabic script and a conversation with a refugee from Samarkand.
December 29, 1979
Soviet letter to US President Jimmy Carter responding to the US position on the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The CC CPSU Politburo informs the White House that the Soviet leadership desires to maintain detente with the US and that the intervention of Soviet troops was done at the request of the Afgan leadership, under Article 51 of the UN charter.
February 3, 1989
This document discusses the disagreements among Afghan leaders regarding a coalition government. The Soviet invasion, withdrawal, and the prospects for peace with Afghanistan are also revealed.
October 4, 1978
This document is a telegram from the Czechoslovak Ambassador in Kabul, Karmelita, to Prague. Karmelita provides a breif overview of his conversation.
June 29, 1979
This document discusses the situations in Kabul with the CC CPSU and the CC PDPA.
June 28, 1979
The CC CPSU points to the economic 'backwardness,' small middle class, and the weakness of the PDPA as the reasons behind political instability in Afghanistan. Increasing internal support of the PDPA and strengthening the Afghan military are proposed solutions achieve stability.
January 7, 1980
Confirming the decision to build a medium-wave broadcasting station, this CC CPSU includes information about station's construction site, its time frame for being built, and the economic credits which will be used to finance the project.
February 19, 1980
A plan to build a pro-Soviet, anti-counterevolutionary media campagin, in Afghanistan. The plan includes an intenship program for the "Bakhtar" Afghan News Agency in Moscow.